I love security cameras. After getting my first one, I was hooked. It is such a simple way to stay connected while you are away, as well as to ensure the safety of your family and home. This is a quick set up styled camera. I was plugged in and synced up within my phone in under 5 minutes. I mean, wow, that is always awesome. I already have a QR scanner app in my phone, so I was able to scan the barcode for the Android immediately, and then downloaded the Sricam App for free. The instruction pamphlet is actually very easy to follow. Then plug the camera in, and follow the instructions in the book. You’ll register yourself, and the camera through the app, and get to modify your password after hooked up. Once connected, you can play with the settings. Click the settings icon, and then turn on the motion detector. If you turn on the buzzer alarm, and enforce alarm, when there is movement where the camera is positioned, the alarm rings through that room, lol. I scared my son to death. Poor thing was screaming, “TURN IT OFF”. You can capture pictures through your camera. To capture video, you need to make sure you have your own micro SD card. It slips into the slot on the side of the camera. The buttons are on the view screen of your phone or tablet. There is also a speaker button on the view screen. When you press this you can talk through the security camera. You can always hear through the app what going on, unless you forget to turn the media volume on. I did that, lol. You can actually have conversations with family when out of town that way. The video has an approx. 4-5 second delay, which isn’t too bad. The video is pretty clear. Even in the dark, the video is pretty clear. I am very, very pleased. It’s not grainy at all. I do have Samsung products, and have great resolution too, though. One negative is that even though the camera is positional in the vertical manner, the camera itself doesn’t have a tight fit, and tends to slip downward if not positioned just right. You can easily find your position, and use some hot glue, that could be removed, or tape, to keep it in place. The do include hardware so you can mount it. One feature that I like, is that you can mount it with the camera all the way down, so it looks upside down. On your app, you can change the camera view by pressing the triangle icon on the view screen. They do not go over all the operations in the set up pamphlet, but they do give you a website to check out in the pamphlet, as well as a customer service to call. The operations are so easy to figure out yourself though, and the camera is very forgiving, lol.
I received this for free in exchange for an unbiased and honest review. – Tsing Sricam SP009 P2P Wireless Wifi IP Camera Monitor with HD 720P
If you would like to purchase this product, it can be found here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01E50DJ5S/ref=od_aui_detailpages00?ie=UTF8&psc=1