Sculpey – Shape it, Bake it, Wear it! Party with Tryazon


My husband and I do like to craft, and enjoy making many things. We, however, have not crafted with clay yet. Just the usual, playing with clay, that one does with their children. The Sculpey brand has been around for over 50 years. It is a tried and true way to craft with clay. So, it most definitely is a great brand to dive into the clay world, with. I was just so excited to be a part of the Sculpey – Shape it, Bake it, Wear it Party campaign.

We received an expanded version of their Bracelet Kit. The bracelet kit, for purchase, has enough for 4 bracelets to be made, and each bracelet to have 3 charms on it. From their website, each kit contains:

“Make 4 stylish charm bracelets
Clay colors included – Teal pearl and Pearl
Kit includes: 2 oz. Sculpey III clay, 12 decals, 4 plastic squeegees, 4 metal circle cutters, 4 metal bangle bracelets, 12 eye pins, 12 6mm jump rings, 4 plastic rollers, 4 toothpicks, and instruction sheet.”

If you are new to this clay crafting world, I highly recommend watching their YouTube video for the bracelet kit. It is so well done, and easy to understand. After watching it, I was very confident that we would all do well and have a great time. You will need additional supplies. You will need a little container with water for each person to soak their decals in, an index card, or thin piece of cardboard, to place their charms on, as they are made, and then to bake on, at least one paper towel each to dab the water away off the applied decal, and to clean off the squeegee and hands, a pair of small needle nose pliers would be great. A pencil to outline the decals with, and a pair of scissors to cut out the decals. I prepared the decals prior to my guests arriving, to both save time, and to make it more relaxing and easier for everyone. I even wrote everyone’s name on the index card, so when I baked the charms, no one’s charms got mixed up. I placed the charms on their perspective index card, onto a baking sheet, and then into the oven for 20 minutes. It went so smoothly that way.

The included instruction pamphlet is bright, well-illustrated, and written. It has cut lines in it, so you can cut it apart, and then you and your guests can easily share it around the table. I decided to laminate mine, so the instructions would both, not get ruined, and be easier to use with wet hands. Also, when laminated they are sturdier, and easier to prop upright, if needed. The charms need to be baked for 20 minutes at 275 degrees F. They stress to not overbake them, so set a timer, and make sure your oven was preheated thoroughly, first. The laminated sheets ended up being so perfect. We even placed a block of clay to be cut, by the outline of how to cut one, so each was done perfectly.

Now, the clay can damage some surfaces, so make sure you put a smooth work surface down, prior to working with the clay. You can use smooth cutting boards, wax paper, foil, baking trays, and the like. You will also want to make sure you wash your hands prior to working on the clay, and wipe them in between each color, so you don’t accidentally mix the colors.

Now, we chose to invite couples to our party. Many couples love to craft and do things with each other. It is no different than the pottery and wine nights, or the paint and wine outings, that you see everywhere. This, I think, is more fun, because it can be done in home. You can relax and cut up more. Serve food and drinks that everyone will enjoy, and really make an evening out of it. It really is a no brainer. We unfortunately had 1 ½ couples cancel last minute due to both illness and family obligations, but we still had a blast.
I also chose to buy some glow in the dark clay, in case anyone wanted to use that for one of the charms, instead of the included clay. I went to our local Micheals, and they had almost an entire aisle done in just Sculpey clay and accessories. Soooo many colors to choose from. I couldn’t decide, until I saw glow in the dark, and I thought that was just too much fun, so I bought that pack quickly and then bolted, lol. One can easily get carried away with all of those choices. You can check out the Sculpey website and see all the different things they offer. You will be amazed, I promise you.

I am really impressed with the decals. They come in sheets, so you do need to cut them out. The pamphlet and the video show you how to do so. You just place your circle cutter on the sheet, starting from the bottom edge, so you don’t waste any of it. Then, take a pencil, and outline the inside of the circle cutter with the pencil. Now you just need to cut out the circle with a pair of scissors, place the decal in some water, and wait until it starts to flatten out in the water, and the decal should come right off the paper, with a little swipe of your fingers. Now, you just place the decal on the cut circle of clay you have prepared, dab with a paper towel, to get the excess water off of it, and a light scrape with the squeegee to get out all of the air bubbles. That’s all you have to do. Then, when you are done baking your beads, you have a beautiful design on your bead, that would have been impossible to do without it. I think the decals are truly ingenious.

Some of us did go a little rogue from the kit. I had holiday themed clay cutters that I bought, so we made bat designs with glow in the dark clay. One made an Easter themed charm, and my husband made a couple actual skull shaped charms. You can really be so creative with this product.
Overall, I am really impressed with both the product, and the company. They really have done a fantastic job of creating well thought out kits, individual product, incredible instructional videos found on Youtube, and instructions that are easy enough for a complete novice to understand. Thank you Tryazon and Sculpey for such a wonderful experience.

How to video via Sculpey:

Scupley sites to check out and follow:
Bracelet Kit:


I received this product to test. All opinions are my own and honest. I received no monetary payment for my review, and I do not make any money off of the sale of the product.

Tryazon’s USAopoly Blank Slate Board Game Review


Being able to relax with family and friends, or just family, is such cherished time nowadays. Everyone works so hard, it’s just so hard to find that time. USAopoly is a company that makes a multitude of games. So, I was so excited to be able to be part of Tryazons’ USAopoly Blank Slate Board Party event. Unfortunately, mother nature thought we would enjoy Hurricane Florence much more. So, we evacuated, and were not able to come home for a couple of weeks. With clean up, work, and the effects we are currently feeling from Hurricane Michael, we ended up just enjoying family time. This game, Blank Slate, is the type of game that allows you to be silly, to relax, to not have to think too much, enabling you to just enjoy each other’s’ company.
In the box you will get:
1 Score Board
1 Directional Pamphlet
8 Dry-Erase Slates
250 Double-Sided Word Cue Cards with Box
8 Dry-Erase Markers with Erasers

The directions included are easy and quick to read. It took my husband only a couple minutes to read them, and then another minute to give us the directions, right before we played the first time. You need a minimum of three people to play, and can play with up to 8 people. My youngest was our third player. He was a reluctant participant since he prefers video games/computer games over anything else. As soon as we started playing, he started smiling, and laughing. My husband and I had a great time that night. Being able to interact in a game with our youngest, without electronics, was and is so amazing.

This game is so simple to play. Give everyone at the table a little whiteboard card and dry erase marker, included with the game. One person keeps ahold of the scorecard, to be the official scorekeeper. I seem to always get that job, but I do not mind. It is so easy to do. To play, everyone takes turns pulling out a card. You place the card either white side up, or grey side up. We have done games with white side up only, and the next game, grey side up only. The card states a word on it, with either a line before the word, or after the word. Then, everyone writes on their little whiteboard card a word that correlates to the word on the card. You need to think about what you think the others would write down. When everyone is done writing, then the person to the left of the person who drew the card, shows what their word guess is.

Then everyone else in a row, one by one. If everyone wrote the same word down, then everyone earns a point on the scoreboard, if no ones’ words match up, then no score is given that turn. Now, if multiple people guess the same word, then each person gets 3 points. The person to earn 25 points first, wins the game! See, so easy!

A game example:
Word drawn is: Ice_________
Example word guesses: cubes, cream, skating…..

This game is not only fun, but really allows you to have and enjoy a social experience at the same time. My youngest loved this game so much, he made us play another round as soon as we were done with the first game. This is now a family game, and I love it. I also love this game, because you can play it over and over. There are so many word options, that no game will ever be the same, and you can play it again and again! This really is the perfect game for game night, be it with your kids, or friends, or both at the same time.

As time goes by, and our town heals, and life gets back to normal, we will be able to have friends over for really fun game nights. We were so blessed to be introduced to this game. It really is a winner in our eyes!

Awards this game has won so far (Not Surprising):
2018 Parents’ Choice Award
2018 Family Choice Award
2018 Creative Child Magazine Preferred Choice Award

You can see what this great company has to offer here: USAopoly: . They have a vast array of fun games to experience.
Here are some of the ways you can check out this game, as well as follow them on social media:
Blank Slate
Facebook Link
Instagram Link
Pinterest Link
Twitter Link

I received this to test via Tryazon and USAopoly. I was in no way monetarily compensated for this review. All opinions are honest and my own. I will not and do not earn any money from any of the sales of USAopoly.

#ad #Tryazon #blankslate #USAopoly

Tryazons’ Play with Pai Party


I was very excited to be chosen as a hostess for the Play with Pai Technology Parties. I did not know what I was receiving when I was chosen, which kept up the anticipation in my household. My youngest who is eleven is homeschooled. He loves technology and couldn’t wait to get his hands on the box. I was overjoyed, as was he, to see a variety of Pai items in the unboxing. In my box, I received:
Ocean Pets
TJ’s Fairytale Adventure, TJ & the Beanstalk
Circuit Conductor
-2 AAA batteries
– 2 Spiral Note Sized Notebooks
-5 Coloring Cards to hand out
-1 Flyer
I was excited to read in the flyer, that Staples has Pai Technology Products on sale, 15% off, until August 3! That’s a great way to save on toys that are both fun while helping you learn. Steam toys are definitely the new must have for parents and kids nowadays. They even have a contest going until August 3, 2018. You need to follow them on Instagram @PaiTechnology. Find and like their giveaway photo. Comment on the giveaway photo with which product you are most excited about using #PlaywithPai in the sentence. Then, just tag two friends. They have 5 prizes that they are giving away, so go and check that out!
What is Steam technology? I could ramble on, so I thought that everyone would prefer that I posted a general definition instead. The following is from “STEAM is an educational approach to learning that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking.” They are able to wrap up the principals that children equate as homework, school, and work, into fun, bright, and interactive toys. They are learning and are happy doing so. I love our new technological age we live in now.
We love the Rubics Cube in our household, so that is the first product we tore into. The Cube-Tastic! By Pai is rightly named. First off, if your pad , for example were to break, the cube itseld is very well made. It is a much better quality than any Rubics Cube we have ever owned. Secondly, once you get a hang of the app, it is pretty amazing, and I am not sugar coating it. The box it comes in has little, to no directions, really. It pretty much says to go to your Playstore for your operating system and look for and download the Cube-Tastic! App. That is exactly how’s it spelled. It is free to download on Android. That is what I have. The minimal requirements are: IPhone 4 or newer, Ipad 2 or newer, Ipad min or newer, IPad Pro, or Android Smart Phone 4.0.3 or newer. Once you download the app, and agree to their terms, you are off and running. You need to scan the cube, as it tells you. Then you mix up the cube, scan it again, and it gives you the moves to solve it. It actually times you, too. You do the moves in view of the camera, so it can follow you and give you the next move, up until you are done. Then you scan it again, and it verifies it, and gives you the results. It’s pretty magical, especially if you have ever struggled with the cube!

The next product we delved into is the sweet interactive book, TJ’s Fairytale Adventure, TJ & the Beanstalk. There is something so magical about bringing a book to life like this. I may be an adult, but wow do I love this technology. They need to bring it into more books, that’s for sure. Now, the directions for the book are actually located in the back of the book. There is a little flap, open it up, and you will see the little book, labeled Handbook. There are interactive cards for the book, behind it as well. You will need your pad or phone to download the app. The requirements to use the app are: IOS 6.0 and above, Android 4.0 and above. I have an Android based Tablet. The app is free, search Pai Storybooks. Once the app opens, it gives you a clear tutorial on how to use it with the books. Then it will ask you to register and put in a code. For the life of me, it kept counting down to send me a code via email, but I didn’t get it. Then I remembered to check my spam folder, and there it was, lol. So check there before becoming flustered, like me. Then you take out the card from the back of the book, and scan it. Now it can read your book. In the corner of some of the pages, there are two letters printed, AR. You line up the tablet with that corner, and then it brings that page to life and reads you that page. The images are 3D, and act like an interactive video. It is so impressive! The cards that are in the back of the book do the same thing. It is really fun, and truly brings the story to life. Nothing but positives here! We love it.

After delving into storyland, we moved on over to electricity. My husband is an electrician, so I am surprised we didn’t jump into this one first, lol. We already own a competitors’ set up, so I was very curious about this one. Have a butter knife handy. You need one, or a coin, to access the battery compartment of the main unit. It requires 2 AAA batteries to operate. They included them for me to test, but none were in the actual box itself, so I cannot state for sure whether or not they are included. There is an app for this as well. Thus, the saying, There’s an App for that! It is free. Just do a search for Circuit Conductor and download it. The minimum requirements are: IOS 7.0 and above and Android 4.3 and above. You will need 2 GB of memory as well. You can just connect and explore on your own. The app is interactive though and is a quick study of how to set up about 4 different scenarios. The wires are magnetic, so simple for little hands to use and apply. This set is easy to set up and use. You can make sounds, and turn on and off, and dim the lights. There are switches as well. Overall, a fun and interactive beginner set up in circuit electricity.

Last but not least, Ocean Pets. I love this one. We always try and visit the aquarium near us at least once a year, so this particular product really called to us. You will need to download the Ocean Pets App from the Playstore, and it is also free. You need a minimum Iphone 4 and newer, or an Android 4.0.3. I have a Samsung 2 tablet and have had no issues with these apps I have mentioned throughout the blog. There are a lot of parts to this set up. The box really is not user friendly to use as storage, so I suggest getting a container or large Ziploc bag handy, to store the parts in. In this set you get:
1 Cushion (more like a small cutting mat)
2 Putty Tools
8 Sea Creature Templates
8 Putty Colors in Containers
(Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Black, and White)
No parental code is need to use this app. Just accept the terms and you are set to go. It takes you step by step through making your fish out of the dough. Then you scan it with the app, and it comes to life in the screen. I opened up each dough pack, and I only had one that had dried out. The green was the unfortunate casualty. I find this very common wit any brand of modeling clay/dough. If this happens to you, you can just go and exchange your purchase. The dough has a great feel to it. It is soft, but dry. Not sticky at all to the touch, and leaves no residue behind. There is no odor to the dough either. I am very sensitive, and I have had no issues at all. The app is so cute and fun to do. It’s amazing how fast it scans your fish, and brings it to life in the app. The fish are cute to look at and fun to watch. You move the pad around to make it swim. You can even change the view so it looks like the fish is swimming through your actual room. That was a pretty fun feature. You take care of the fish too. You need to name them when you create them, play with the fish, feed them, let them sleep. When you go back in, the directions aren’t written out, but there are not that many areas to click on, so it is easy to figure out. Your fish will be there, so even when you run out of putty, you will still have your aquarium of fish.

Once you click on the fish to play with, it may be hiding in the ocean and you have to find it. Let me tell you what, it is strict on it’s sleeping time. We turned off the tablet, and hours later went back on. It started back at the same time for the sleeping count down. It’s 10 minutes, and it had over 5 minutes left, lol. When you pet, clean, and feed the fish, and let them rest, they grow. There is some educational information in the program as well, which is great. There are even puzzles to solve, as you search in the ocean for the pieces. Overall, this is a pretty fun, and very interactive program. It can be more hands on with new fish creating, or more laid back, where you just play with your current creations.
Everyone had fun watching videos of the products in action, and also being able to actually experience them hands on. The older kids and even adults couldn’t believe the Cube-Tastic app, and how easy it made it to solve the infamous cube. I’ve been having fun talking to people about the items. We had an emergency roof repair which made our party spread out and more personal at times. I honestly think it was more fun and easier this way. It takes time to explain and help people discover the items. We passed on the incredible interactive book to a precious young boy. Bringing stories to life for little kids is a magical experience to see. I wish every young child could experience these stories!
Overall, this has been nothing but a positive and fun experience. I am new to Pai products, and I am thoroughly impressed. The products inspire, teach, entertain, and teach all at the same time.

Pai Technology Links:



I received these Pai products to experience and share my thoughts, through Tryazon. All opinions are honest and my own. I do not and have not received any money for my posts. I do not make any money off of any sales through Pai either.

#PlayWithPai #Tryazon #ad #Steamlearning #Family #Education #learningthroughplay #toys #kids

Tryazons’ Codenames Marvel Game Night with USAopoly


I love game nights. Whether it’s just family, or spending time with friends, it creates great memories while having a great time. I was so pleased to be able to both try and share my opinions about this new game from USAopoly through Tryazon.
Some quick specs on the game:
For ages 9+
2 – 8 players
Currently for sale in the US and Canada only

Codenames Marvel is a game for Marvel fanatics. My household is the perfect fit, that’s for sure. My husband loves all that is Marvel. This game is easy to play, but there are a lot of instructions to read. Fortunately, the instruction pamphlet is both easy to read and follow. My husband was in charge of reading the instructions to our friends to see if they could easily grasp it, and they could. Even with frequent distractions from their little one running around.
The game is pretty simple. You have to lay out 25 cards in a grid pattern. Then you choose a card, which secretly lays out your particular grid. You work in teams and ask questions accordingly. One team is SHIELD and the other is HYDRA. Shield of course are the good guys! Mwahahaha for those on the Hydra Team. (You can be a one person team.) The goal is to build your team, but you have to guess clues from the director to find out who your fellow assets are. Each team will ask questions. For example, the director has to give a one word clue and a number. So the word could be scales, for example, and then number of cards that fit that description. If the number is 2 or more and the guessing side, “the agent” guesses correctly, they can either continue to try and find the others with that clue or request another clue. As long as they guess correctly, their turn continues. A wrong guess either uncovers a natural card or the opposing teams card. If they guess the wrong one, you place either a Hydra card or Shield card on top of it, depending on which side you are on. So, if you guess wrong, you are actually helping the other team win! You can choose the loser card though, and you automatically lose! There is a slot slated as the Thanos Assassin.

It’s the landmine of the board game, pretty much. Those with the most matches win. So, you can chat, eat, and be silly during the game. I will say that some of the cards are darker, and very detailed, which makes them a little hard to see if you have any vision difficulties. But, no worries, your partner can help you out.

Now, you can switch it up, and add variety to it. I think adding a timer to it would be hilarious. For example, only allowing 10 seconds, or less, to choose your card would be fun! Also, you can have couples take turns on the teams, if people were too busy chatting, chasing kids, and eating.

We served simple finger foods like cheese and crackers and pigs in a blanket to our guests. Our drinks were a variety of craft beers and Not Your Daddys Root Beer, lol. But, no drinks or food are required. The only thing required is some floor or table space to set out your game, that’s it.

Overall, it’s a fun, simple game to play with friends and family. We really enjoyed it. One lucky couple received a free game for themselves to take home. They have a older kids at home who they said will love it, and were very excited to take it home.

USAopoly has their own website, and sell numerous different games. That was another great experience for me. With Toys R Us closing, it was great to be able to see so many different genre of games in one place to look at and share with my son. Everything is so electronic nowadays, it’s important to connect without electronics. These games really help with that.

You can check out USAopoly and follow their social media at these following links:

I received this as part of a promotion from USAopoly through Tryazon. All opinions are my own, and I do not earn any money from any sales generating through this blog. I was also not paid to write to this blog or share my experience.

Gotrax Glider Cadet Giveaway by Parenting in Progress


*This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

Spring is here and it’s time to get outdoors! We are zooming into spring with some fun outdoor toys from GOTRAX. Their glider cadet electric scooter will have your kiddos enjoying the spring weather! If your kiddos love adventure and outdoor time this is the perfect toy for them this spring.

With a smaller frame and deck to fit riders 8 and up, the GLIDER CADET can reach speeds of up to 11 miles per hour for 40 minutes of continuous use thanks to its quiet and efficient 100-watt electric motor.

“We are continuing our quest to provide the best electric rideable for Commanders of all ages,” says Chief Marketing Officer Jason Wakefield. “The GLIDER CADET is the perfect introduction to the fun and efficiency of e-transportation for young riders.”

With a quick kick to get the CADET rolling, power is available via an easy and intuitive twist-grip throttle. A lever-activated front brake keeps things in control, and an 8-inch pneumatic front tire provides a smooth ride.

The GLIDER CADET’s frame is crafted from steel and built for durability, ensuring fun for many rides to come.

The Giveaway:

GOTRAX was nice enough to sponsor a giveaway for our readers. One lucky person will win a GOTRAX Glider Cadet Electric Scooter from GOTRAX (a $149 value). Entrants must be 18 or older and US residents to be eligible to win. Entries will be accepted until 4/15/18.

*Disclaimer: This giveaway is sponsored by GOTRAX. If for some reason the sponsor fails to send the prize or is unable to Parenting In Progress is not responsible for supplying the prize or the value of the prize to the winner.

Available from GOTRAX:

The GOTRAX GLIDER CADET comes in five Cosmic Colors (Mars Red, Pulsar Pink, Alien Green, Planetary Purple and Neptune Blue) and retails for $179, available now at for an introductory price of $149.

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Djubi Outdoor Game Party with Tryazon!!!!!


Time with friends and family, are the most memorable moments. They are moments where you can just relax, unwind, enjoy, and bond. I love activities that I can do with my kids. There is an age gap between the ones near to home, so I jump at activities, where age really does not matter. Corn Hole is a big one for us to all do, but it is a big and bulky game, and not always convenient to do. It’s great to have options, and Djubi has really handed us a few great ones. I was so looking forward to our party, but lovely storms, and illness pushed that aside. We have, however, been able to have a lot of fun, just as a family. My son is homeschooled, and he loves that he can do the Dartball on his own.

With the three games I was sent, you can have a mixture of ages playing together, which I love! You can also take them almost anywhere, too. They are easy to pack and store. You can even play some of them beachside too. I live on the coast, so that is a wonderful aspect for me. What I also love about these outdoor games, is that if you have a wheelchair bound friend or family member, they can also easily participate, as well. I was sent three games: The Djubi Classic, The Djubi Slingball, and The Djubi Dartball. They breakdown as follows:

Djubi Classic

Ages 8 and UP

2 Players

The Original Djubi. It’s the ultimate game of catch that allows you to send the ball sailing over 100 feet! It relies on a unique launching system that creates maximum distance and maximum fun! The balls come with a rubber loop attached, allowing players to launch them from a hook on the racket frame. It’s perfect to help sports enthusiast and catch aficionados elevate their game.


2 Rackets

2 Large Balls


Djubi Slingball

Ages 6 and UP

2 Players

A smaller version of the Classic. It takes the launching fun and packs it into a lighter design that’s perfect for all ages. Smaller rackets require less strength, while still capturing the fun that Djubi provides. Like the Classic, it has a unique launching system that allows players to hook the looped balls to a notch on the racket frame.


2 Rackets

2 Medium Balls


Djubi Dartball

Ages 8 and UP

2 Players

A Djubi twist on the game of darts! Dartball takes all the launching fun of Djubi games and adds the added challenge of accuracy. Use the launchers to aim and fire balls at the target net; the highest score wins!


2 Launchers

6 Medium Balls

1 Target Net

1 Score Board

1 Dry Erase Marker


See what I mean, a lot of fun. They are well made and simple to participate in. They have a specific way to launch their balls, which according to Djubi, allows the ball to go 100ft! I did not personally measure that, or want to chase that, lol. But, wow, the balls can go far. There is a rubber loop on each ball, and a coordinating hook on the rackets; just place, pull and release. That’s it. Well, I guess you’ll need to aim too, or not, depending on who you want to chase after the ball, lol.

I love the play of the white and bright orange coloring. It’s bright, fun, and festive. It helps to set the mood. The launchers are made out of a thick plastic. The handles are comfortable, and easy to hold onto. My family’s favorite, out of the three games, is the Dartball Game. It reminds us of corn hole, but a lot less bulky, and easier to set up. My son really enjoys it. You really have to practice with shooting the balls, because wow, they really can go far, lol. My son usually likes to stand closer, as he does not have a great throwing arm, lol. But, with the dartball, he actually has to stand back the 20ft, or he overshoots it, every time. The only negative with the Dartball, is that sometimes, it can be hard to refold the pop open target. It needs to be refolded, to go back into the box. However, it does fold flat, incredibly easy, if you can store it this way, instead. Keep in mind, the difficulty could be entirely user error, lol.

Djubi Tryazon Party 16

I also like that you can play with these indoors, if the weather is not on your side. If you have a rec room, or a long hallway, you are good to go. The balls are soft, but could still break things, so keep that in mind. If you live in a state with a long, hard winter, or rainy season, then you’ll also appreciate these games.

Djubi Tryazon Party 17

Overall, the quality is great. I am really impressed. In my opinion, they are made better than a name brand competitor.  It’s hard to get my youngest excited about outdoor games. I was overjoyed when he actually told me how fun they were. Total win Djubi!

 Djubi Tryazon Party 18

Djubi Classic

Djubi Slingball

Djubi Dartball

Disclosure: Cpsierdowis’ Product Reviews receives products in order to conduct reviews. No monetary compensation was provided unless noted otherwise. All opinions are 100% my own. In the event of a giveaway, the sponsor is responsible for delivery of the prize, unless otherwise noted in the posting. I only recommend products or services I personally use and try.  This in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 225: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”

Let’s Get Our Wizard Roll On!!!!!! Contest inside, too!!!!!!


The Winner has been chosen: Clink on the link to find out who won!

The Wizard Roll T-Shirt Giveaway!

I have become a fan of Roosterfin Games. They are not the typical games on the market. I’ve only experienced a few, but I have noticed that, not only are they well made, but they are imaginative, and fun to play. With our rampant electronics usage, the day of the board game is fading. Unfortunately, that also diminishes family time, togetherness, and actual human interaction with each other. I have two grown boys, now men. So, watching my youngest, whom is now 10, age, is heart wrenching. Time is flying by too fast, and I don’t want to spend that just watching him in front of a computer screen, or gaming system. Board game time, allows us to talk, laugh, and build memories. You may not even realize that, that is what is happening, too.

Wizard Roll won the 2017 Preferred Choice Award by Creative Child Magazine. How impressive is that! In this game, you use die matching, and pattern matching skills. Your goal is to be able to complete your spell card. There are 24 Spell Cards, 27 Rune Tiles, 18 Element Chips, 2 Cubes, 1 Reference Card, and an Instruction Sheet in the package. There is no board to set up, so this game is easy to play, almost anywhere. The cards are all pretty thick. They are much thicker than a deck of cards, and should last a long time. The instruction sheet, is a pretty sturdy piece of paper, but if your kids have trouble remembering instructions, and the sheet will be frequently handled. I recommend laminating it, as I did. The Reference Card looks just like one of the Spell Cards. You have to remove it from the pile, before starting the game. The Reference Card is so cute. It breaks down what everything is, and gives you the correct way to say everything, like in a real spell. For example, the words on the Reference Card spell out Sha-Ruk-Wa-Ack-Fa. You even get to zap people during the game, lol. That is, when you are lucky enough to roll the Wand Cube. (Insert evil laugh here). The Wizard who racks up 7 points first, is the winner of the game. You earn points, if you are able to complete one of your spell cards. Each spell card is allotted their own points, and they are clearly labeled next to the name of the spell, on the card.

I was the lucky one to roll the first wand die. I used it too lol, on my don. He wasn’t laughing. You should have seen his reaction; priceless! I think I’m going to add one our our Halloween want props to this game, so we can go through the zapping motion, and make it even more hilarious. My son ended up winning that game, so he did get the last laugh.

Overall, this game is a lot of fun. My 10 year will quickly tell me when something is a dud, or something we should keep. He really likes this game, and called it a keeper. You can laugh, and zap each other, and talk all at the same time. This is a fun game, that allows socialization, which is great for family time, and bonding. We are very happy with it.
The Wizard Roll T-Shirt Giveaway! (Press this link to enter)



 Wizard Roll t shirt

Here is some information on the T-Shirt that is the prize of our fun contest:

-Solid colors: 100% Cotton; Heather Grey: 90% Cotton, 10% Polyester; All Other Heathers: 58% Cotton, 42% Polyester


-Machine wash cold with like colors, dry low heat

-Official RoosterFin T-Shirt

-Fit: Slim (consider ordering a larger size for a looser fit)

-Features Wizard Roll Game Logo

-This premium t-shirt is made of lightweight fine jersey fabric

Disclosure: Cpsierdowis’ Product Reviews receives products in order to conduct reviews. No monetary compensation was provided unless noted otherwise. All opinions are 100% my own. In the event of a giveaway, the sponsor is responsible for delivery of the prize, unless otherwise noted in the posting. I only recommend products or services I personally use and try.  T

his in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 225: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”

Tryazons’ 3Doodler House Party!


I am always thrilled to be accepted for one of Tryazons’ parties. I was exceptionally excited to be able to participate in the 3Doodler Campaign. I love creating things, but I have yet to even come close to mastering the 3D pens on the market. 3D doodler has a great product, I am very impressed. I received their 3Doodler Create Pens to play and party with, but they also carry a beginner’s line, and a line great for younger kids, called #Doodler Start. Now, if you are a pro at it, or a professional, they even have a line for you, called 3Doodler Pro, and it looks impressive. Last, but not least, they even offer a kit for classrooms, called the 3Doodler EDU. The 3Doodler Start was The Best Creative Toy of the Year for 2017, too! We took the pen on the road as well, since it is so portable. You can really have fun with it anywhere.

They have a wonderful website, with 5 main sections on it: Store, Projects, Educators, Support, and Blog. The website is very easy and clear to follow and understand. I am highly impressed with their Projects section. It is a lot better than others I have used, and looked at. Their projects are actually free to print out as well, which I really love! I printed out a few to use at my party.

In my package I received 2 3Doodler Create Pen Starter Kits, 1 DoodleStand 2.0, 2 Different Color Packs of ABS Plastic Sticks, and 2 Doodle Pads. The Create Pen Starter Kits include: 1 Pen, 1 AC Power adapter, 1 instruction pamphlet, 1 Quickstart Guide, 1 wrench, 1 mini screwdriver, and 1 long tool to clear the passage with. I love the stand that this company offers. It can hold up to 75 Doodlestrands, and 1 Pen. Because the pen has a rubber guard by the tip of it, it will even hold the pen if you have the power cord attached to it. The power cord attaches to the top of the pen. It plugs into a regular 2 prong outlet. The included pamphlet offers some easy to read, and understand instructions. You can also go their website, and on the first page of the Shop section, you will see a Getting Started Tab. Press that, and it takes you to a page, where you can choose your pen. So, I clicked Create, which is the pen I have, and it took me to a plethora of information. This is the direct link for that section: There are videos and manuals there to help you on your journey. Here is the main Youtube video for getting started:   Have your pen ready, so you can follow along. It is basic, for example: On the side of you pen is the off, low, and high switch, as well as, the ports for accessories. It shows you that the top of the pen houses the air vent, the power port, and the port for your plastic strips to be inserted. The buttons to make the melted plastic come out, are called extrusion buttons.

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These are on the front of the pen. The larger one makes it go faster, and the smaller one, makes it go slower. It’s a fast visual, which makes it easier to adjust your speed. I really like that. I also like how they are not located on the side, like some other brands. I would always hit it while trying to create, and that was sooo annoying. Now, the back side of the pen houses a clear section, which is the Maintenance Housing. You can see how mush plastic you have left in the pen, and access the inside of the pen from here, if you have an issue, like needing to clear a blockage. Last but not least, it warns you about the tip, or nozzle of the pen. It gets very hot while in use, and takes a bit to cool down after the pen is turned off, so be careful! Then it will go through other videos about turning on and operating your pen. You can choose to just read the pamphlet, but having a video visual, can make it easier for a lot of people. The pen has two settings: low, and high. On the low setting, the lightbar turns green when ready, and blue when ready for the high setting. The bar is on the front, top of the pen. The included plastic with the kit is ABS, which has to be used on the High setting. The low setting is for PLA, which was not included, but can be purchased separately. This pen can accommodate it. Now, to operate it, after you place a piece of plastic in it, and the light is on, go ahead and press one of the extrusion buttons once to start it. Pressing once again, will stop it, and double clicking one of these buttons will reverse the direction of your plastic, so you can remove it, and start a new color; easy peasey. Now, they state to trim the ends of your plastic after removing it from the pen, so it’s ready to be reused. This is easily done with a pair of scissors. Now, if you are trying to reverse your plastic, and it won’t, that means it’s too short to reverse, and you will have to use the rest of it, to remove it. They have videos on how to use the included tools to troubleshoot, in case you have an issue removing any plastic.

Time to create and enjoy. Being aggravated is not allowed, lol! I printed out a few projects ideas, but you can find others for free, or for purchase on the internet. I am ecstatic by the free library of projects 3Doddler’s website offers, though. Their videos give you hints on how to do 3D drawings, and more. Nothing takes the place of practice, though. With their DoodlePads, which have grid measurements on them, it was easy to place a project paper under the mat, and then create from there. Here is a link to some of their videos, for ideas: . Some hints I learned from their website. For a flat pattern, press form onto the surface. For a 3D pattern, when creating a line up, hold it for a few seconds, so it can solidify, and then pull quickly away, to separate from the creation.


I have a 10 year old son, who has tried 3D pens before too. He is at my skill level, which is, we will say, the fun level, lol. I feel safer with him using this pen. Since the plastic inserts are straight, and not long and curvy, the pen is easier for him to handle, which in turn makes it safer to use. I homeschool him, so I love to bring creative items into our home. This definitely fits the bill. Their website also shows all types of kits they offer, which can be highly fun, and educational for children. I am really impressed with this company overall! Under their Educators section on their website, the even have STEM included, which is beyond wonderful. You can create, or copy patterns. Learn how physics work in 3D builds. You can even have your friends create their own wine glass, or beer bottle markers, at the beginning of a party. Scientists do say, that as we age, are brain ages also. To keep It young, and quick, we need to keep using it, challenging it. This is definitely more fun than brain games on a tablet or phone, that’s for sure.

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You can purchase any of their pens directly from their website, or Amazon. Here is a link to their community page: 

All opinions are honest and my own. I have no financial ties to Tryazon or 3Doodler. I received this set in exchange for testing their items, and sharing my experience, only.

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Bouncing Bots by RoosterFin


Bouncing Bots – The Game of Wobbly Widget Warriors

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Rooster Fin is a fun company. I mean, they sell games, after all. They major in fun 24/7. I was excited when I was approached to review their Bouncing Bots game. I had never heard of it before, and it really peaked my interest. The first thing I did was to check out their website. They broke the categories of their toys into: Family, Educational, Skill, Card, Strategy, and Party.

This is the description of their Bouncing Bots Game on their website:

Bouncing Bots is the board game where players compete to get the best score by bouncing their bots on the highest valued numbers on the target boards. Score the most points to win!

Players: 1-4

Ages: 7 to adult (On their box, it states 6 and up)

Skills: Motor Skills, Hand-eye Coordination


8 Bot Characters

2 Platforms

Simple Instructions “

The game has one small sheet of instructions in the box. On one side, it mentions all of the characters names: Axel, Crank, Tracker, Rock’in, Plug, Spark, Flack, and Smash. There is even a tiny Bio next to each character. Kids really love this type of stuff. My, just turned 10 year old, son sure does. Each character even has a unique face on it. My son picked out Tracker as his favorite. The other side of the one piece of paper, offers the easy to read instructions. I love that this can be a one person game. My son is homeschooled, and that is an important feature for us. There are directions for multiplayer play, as well as two person play. The whole goal of the game, is to get to 9 points first. That may sound easy, but it really isn’t, lol. Omg, did we laugh. I can get the bots to bounce backwards, completely sideways, and sometimes, over the target, lol. But, we have the darndest time, getting the bot to land on top of the target. There are five different scored areas on the top of the target. When you play by yourself, you can time your games, ad try and beat your time. This game is great for eye – hand coordination, problem solving, since he you have to figure out the best way to bounce, depending on your playing surface. Carpet, well, that is a priceless surface to play on. Lots of laughter there. Fortunately, the targets can be turned over, to form a bowl target. The underside also has the same targets on it, with designated points on the spots. It is easier to get the bot into the bowl, versus, on top of the target. My son was so relieved, once he found out that he could turn the target over.

Here is some fun information about Joe Roosterfin:

“Joe, the owner of RoosterFin brings a unique skill to board games with his ability to create authentic game engines. His gift is in understanding how math applies to games. Joe’s background, coupled with his years teaching kids, enables him to create award-winning games that are continuously simple to learn and fun to play. Since Joe has left his life in the classroom behind, he has devoted his full attention to making great games.”


Fun picture of Joe as a kid: bouncing bots 11

Click Here to join their mailing this.

To purchase this fun game, visit here:

You can follow RoosterFin on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest.

Overall, we are really happy with this game. It is fun, for all ages to play together, and well put together. We like everything from the bright colors, to the simple to read, instructions. This company offers a wonderful variety of games. Their website is definitely worth checking out.

Bouncing Bots 10

I received this game as a sample. All opinions are honest and my own.

You can also follow me here on Instagram Pinterest YouTube Facebook

Incredible sound from Hobest Bluetooth Headphones.


Hobest headphones 2

At first glance, this product really impressed me. We go through a lot of Bluetooth headphones in our home, too. I love the thick and sturdy storage case this product came in. The zipper functions perfectly, and it easily holds the headphones and charging, Micro USB cord, when not in use. The cord is a longer one, which I am really appreciating. They have really shortened many charging cords nowadays, and that is really starting to annoy me. We use charging stations a lot, and you can’t charge everything in one area, if all the cords are short. In your package, you do get the headphones, the charging Micro USB cord, directions, the storage case, and 2 extra pairs of silicone ear buds in different sizes. These headphones are very sturdy in hand. The two arms that unfold, do so well. No weakness in the joints noted at all. I love, love, love the splash of celery green color on the ends of the black headphones. It really gives this set a sporty look. I charged mine immediately upon arriving. The charging port is on the underside, of the right arm. All of the controls for the headphones are in this location as well. (They do, however, have other color options available.)

Hobest headphones 3

On the right arm, you will find an actual on/off button, a + button, a – button, and a telephone button. On each arm, there is a small button that retracts the earbuds. This is the style where you pull the earbud out of the arm, to your desired length. I can see pushing that button by accident, so be careful. It is the first button, on the top of the right arm. If you remember that, you can avoid retracting your earbud, lol. The + and – buttons are on the side of the right arm, which will help you avoid that too. There is no LED light when charging. When you turn on the headset, it vibrates, and then you can see the blue/red LED lights. They are located at the on/off switch.

I have a Note 5, and I did not have any issues pairing with this headset. It comes up as SX-990 to pair. No code was needed. Make sure you pull out extra wire when fitting the headphones on, Otherwise the weight of the headset, when you move around, will pull the earbuds out of your ears. Once they are fit, they stay in pretty well. I bopped around, and they stayed put. The sound quality is awesome. I listened to one song with a lot of ranges, and a lot of bass, and it sounded great! The song was Cold by Maroon 5. I was able to enjoy music from Rap to Boccelli. I like all kinds of music, and I am really enjoying this headset. It has a mic for calls as well. Something my husband has to have. He is always on the road for work, and needs to have the ability to take calls at all hours. Since there is a separate button for calls, it really makes calls easy. This set has a high sensitivity microphone, which has helped keep his calls clear. It also has CVC 6.0 Noise Cancellation technology. I can sit and listen to music in the living room with the TV on, and my son playing games on his laptop, and just hear the music. So, I think it works really well. You might want to not listen to music while driving because of this though, lol.

Hobest headphones 4

Now, when listening to music, you control the functions with the + and – buttons. To increase or decrease volume, you need to press and hold the coordinating buttons. To restart a song, or go through the playlist, you need to just press, not hold and press, the + and – buttons. So, this is like most headphones, and easy to do.

These headphones will connect to IOS and Android. It has Bluetooth 4.1 technology in it. This helps with longer battery time, from what I read. I haven’t tested the standby hours, but it is stated to have this battery life: “supports 18 hours talking time, 16 hours music playback time, and more than 300 hours standby time.” We never have just talk, with no music either, lol. Now, these headphones do talk to you which I like. For example, when you turn the headset on or off, it says things like, “Power Off”.

Hobest headphones 5

My husband has officially taken off with these headphones, lol. He also has a Samsung Galaxy Note 5 phone. He, like myself, has had no trouble with connecting to these headphones. The calls are nice and clear, both on and off Wi-Fi calling. The double tap of the mfb, or telephone button, does indeed bring up the last number called. When a call comes in it does state, Incoming Call, and then spells out the number. We have been able to get through a day of use on one charge, too. The calling feature where it tells you in the incoming number, is very valuable if you are driving. It gives you the ability to know who’s calling without looking at your phone. Now, when a call is coming in, and you do not walk to accept the call, you just need to double tap the mfb button; that’s it!

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Overall, these are comfortable to wear. The sound has been great, the calls clear, and easy to do. We both have been appreciating the storage case. My husband likes these so much, he has claimed permanent ownership of them, lol.

These headphones are available here for purchase:

I received these at a discount. All opinions are expressly my own.

Hobest headphones 7

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