Whether you are in the middle of a remodel, or just want to freshen up a room, these wall panels sent to me from 3D Wall Panels – CSI Wall Panels, will definitely do the trick. We happen to be in the middle of a renovation. The home is from the 1960’s, and definitely needs some modernization. What I love about these wall panels, is that you do not have to only choose an ultra-modern design, but you can choose more neutral designs as well. There is something for everyone. They offer a YouTube video to show you how simple it is to install these panels. You do not need a professional to install, which is always a benefit to the wallet, lol. Although, my husband is a master carpenter and a commercial electrician, so I did have the upper hand. These wall panels are appropriate for home, office, and commercial properties. They come unfinished, and will need to be painted by you. I was given a panel of wall panel choices to choose from. They were made from either one of these choices:
A. Panel Size: 19.68?x 19.68?inch, 725g
Material: MDF Wood fiber.
Thickness: 3mm on flat areas, Upto 1/2 inch on Dimensional areas.
Features: DIY Product, Eco Friendly, Lightweight & Paintable
Package: 10 panels/Box. Covers 27 sqft/box
Color: Comes only in its Natural wood color
B. Panel Size: 19.68?x 19.68?inch, 275g
Material: Sugarcane fiber (Bagasse) Paper pulp.
Thickness: 1.5mm on flat areas, .50? on Dimension areas.
Features: DIY Product, flexible, Lightweight & Paintable
Package: 12 panels/Box. Covers 32.29 sqft/box
Color: Comes only in its Natural off white color
I chose the wood wall look, done in the MDF wood fiber material. The natural finish is more of a light brown. Besides providing the paint to finish, we also had to buy adhesive to mount them to the wall. We repainted our wall before applying the panels. You will want to mount them to a clean, dry surface. These wall panels have an A+ air emissions rating, so they are healthy to have them in home. They are 100% Natural, eco-friendly, and 100% of the wood is from well managed forests. I am really happy with these panels over all. I have insane allergies and asthma, and I have had absolutely no irritation from thee panels at all. The company obviously has pride in the products they sell, and it shows.
I received two boxes of wall panels. Each box contained 10 panels, which covers approx.. 27sqft each. Make sure you let the panels acclimate to the temperature in your room, where you are doing the install, approx.. 24 hours before you apply them. We let them sit about 4 days, since we were waiting for the weekend. Each panel measures out at 19.68?x 19.68? inches. However, they are all nominal. The way the come out of the machine, they are not all exactly the same. So, measure and trim before install. That is what we discovered. My husband said this is too be expected, and experiences this with tile all of the time, too. The adhesive we used to install the panels is Power Grab by Loctite. He really liked how well this adhesive worked. The panels held very well, and didn’t need to be taped while the adhesive took hold. Now, besides measuring and trimming your panels, you will also want to sand down the edges. Really check out each panel. Ours had mildly rough edges, from the way they were made. So, sand them down before mounting them. Below are two pictures of a painted sample with rough edges. You can sand the edges down and repaint without difficulty.
Then, make sure you mark your center line when you start your layout. You want to apply your adhesive to the back of the panel, on all of the raised surfaces, then apply them to your wall. Once all of your panels are up, according to your plan, it is time to prime, and then paint your panels. The panels dry fairly quickly, as the boards are quite absorbent.
You may need to re-sand the edges after the primer dries. That is something you will have to decide. We chose a high gloss paint, for that smooth, modern finish. We set up our own spray tent area with visqueen and painters tape. That way our area was protected from any overspray mist. The spray technique really allows you to get that smooth, sleek finish. We used Valspar High Gloss Lacquer in White. This paint really worked well on the panels, and no special sprayer was needed. Since we only did a section on our wall, we trimmed out the panels with premium grade 1x2s. Then we used caulk to fill in the gap. That was also really simple and fairly inexpensive to do. You want to prime and paint the panels after they are installed on the wall. That way you can also make sure any spacing between the panels is also painted, for a smooth finished product.
Our panels were nice and solid, and easy to work with. We did not have any damaged panels in our shipment. We are extremely happy with the finished product. We love it as our background for the electric fireplace we installed. It adds so much style and flare to the room. With the lacquer finish that we chose, it adds a lot of shine to them when the light hits it just so. I can’t wait to hang my new chandelier in the room as the finishing touch. 3D Wall Panels at www.csiwallpanels.com, is definitely worth a visit and a purchase.
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I was provided a sample. All opinions are honest and my own. I received no payment for this review, and do not receive any payment from any of their sales, in any way.
Editorial Note: I was told by WallArt that this company buys the panels through them, then sells them, and had me blog about the product. WallArt threatened me with legal action, because they wanted their name mentioned. I have no prior knowledge of their company, and they have been ugly to me to deal with. Personally, I do not like their ethics. Their information is: www.mywallart.com. They are the ones that make the Select Wall Panels, supplied to me by CSI Wall Panels.