My family and I really believe in being prepared. My husband has a military background, and I have a nursing background. Because of our experiences, we feel we need to provide for our family in case of an emergency. Part of being prepared is to make sure you have a radio. Needless to say, I was just thrilled to be afforded the opportunity to review Number One-Shop’s Black DE16 FM MW LW Shortwave Full Band Stereo Digital Crank Dynamo Solar Powered Emergency Radio World Receiver in exchange for an unbiased and honest review. In this package you will receive 1 radio, 1 instruction sheet, and 1 adaptive cord.
This radio has several charging options. It has solar charging capability with it’s built in lithium battery, AA charging capability (You supply the AA batteries, hand crank charging capability, and AC charging capability. You will also need to supply your own AC charger. I already have a bunch of these, so it was not an issue. I always suggest saving some cords when you throw out your no longer working electronics. So, when your radio first arrives, go ahead and peel the protective film cover off of your solar charger. If you have bright sun available, go ahead and charge it up, other wise, locate your AA batteries and AC charger, and have at it. It takes 3 AA batteries. Both disposable and rechargeable will work. The AA battery compartment is on the back of this unit. No tools are needed for this.
There are 2 sets of power controls on this radio. If you are facing the radio, the on/off control switch is on the front for all radio functions. On the left side of the radio, are the LED lights and siren controls. You have a white LED light on the side. It has an inner flash will it’s on. This is the first selection. If you push up again, the side LED light goes off, but the 3 LED white lights on the handle go on.These also have that inner flash. Now, cover your ears, lol. If you push this switch all the way up, the siren starts screaming and the red LED light on the left side of the radio goes on. It’s a smaller light, and it too has that flash to it. These are great lights to have in an emergency. The siren could really help get the attention of a rescuer if so needed. It might also help to scare off a predator if you are camping.
All the radio controls are on the front. There are three switches, and many radio options. My advice to you, practice, practice, practice. In home, your best reception chances are with the antennae all the way up, and position yourself by a window. I have less reception than a lot of areas. I live next to a military base, and they block a lot of signals obviously. I can pick up signals on this radio, so I know you can too. The main power switch is the switch to the right. You have two choices with power: 1st is the sol/dyn for solar and hand crank, 2nd Batt./DC power. The radio station switches are the two to the left. Just place them on the signal/bandwidth you are looking for. There are many options on this radio: FM, FML, SW, SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4. The tuning and volume buttons are on the front of the radio. The in power port is on the left side of the radio, and the out power port is on the right of the radio. You can use there adaptive cord for the out power, if you have charging head attachments. I have several cords with multiple head attachments, so I was prepared. I was able to charge my phone from this radio.
Communication, and knowing what’s happening around you is vital in an emergency. This radio can really be important to you and your family in the aftermath of a major storm, or other emergency situation. It’s such a simple way to help yourself and family be prepared.
If you would like to purchase this radio, it can be found here on Amazon: //®ion=US&placement=B00NOTGDK0&asins=B00NOTGDK0&linkId=ATW6NLWSAY7J6F5T&show_border=true&link_opens_in_new_window=true