When you talk about scope’s, I smile. I have been needing a stronger scope. I am always weary about ordering one online too. If you wear contacts, or don’t have perfect vision, you need to be pickier about your scope. I tried it on my AR for the review, even though it’s a little large for it. It actual sits very securely on it. This one is a complete set. It comes with 1 CR2032 lithium battery, 2 scope rings with Allen wrench, 1 microfiber cleaning cloth, the scope, dual lens cap, and a great sheet of instructions. The instruction sheet is great at telling you how to adjust the scope to get it sighted. No tools are required to place the battery. This is a really easy scope to set up and use.
The lens cap covers are not solid; you can actually see through them as well. This is a great feature if you are setting up. One less worry about scratching the lenses during the process. I walked about outside at first playing with the scope, to see if the clarity was going to meet my needs. I have temperamental eyes due to reactions from my frequent anaphylactic reactions. I need a very clear, strong scope for distance. I was very happily surprised with this scope. Up until this point, I have only had real luck with my son’s pricey Nikon one. I was able to see houses across the inner coastal, from where I was, very, very clearly. I had a blast looking around everywhere, and seeing things I haven’t been able to see. I am so impressed with this scope.
It didn’t matter if I shook the scope, freely swung it while walking, or constantly handling it. The setting didn’t change a bit. It is a fog proof and shock proof scope. Going from the air conditioned room, out to the heat of outdoors, and back in, I had no lens change. It stayed nice and clear. It’s not winter here, so that is the best I could test it out. It also has a dual illuminated duplex reticle. It is versatile from a 6x to 24x magnification range. The objective is adjustable from 15ft to “infinity”, lol, their words. But, since it is quite clear, for such a long range, it feels like that to me. You can use the scope with or without the illuminated reticle on. You actually have the choice of red or green. Otherwise, it will be the regular black reticle. It is very easy to operate as well. I used my current mount for the scope, but the tools necessary to mount the scope rings is a 7/64ths Allen Wrench. I suggest you get your own, instead of using the one included. It is just a small, straight one, and it is hard to grasp and turn. I grabbed one from my tool bag, and it was so much easier to use.
(If you look past the light green house, you’ll see houses in the distance, across the inner coastal. I could see these very clearly and in detail, through this scope.)
Basic common sense when sighting it in. You need to keep your eye at least 3-4 inches from the scope. Play with your eye relief, before tightening the scope down in the rings. You can adjust the eye relief, the magnification, and the objective, easily with this scope. The scope rings included are for 20mm Weaver Dovetail Rails, only, if you choose to use the included rings. They are simple rings, thin, and will raise your scope about 1 ¼”. Overall, this is a great scope. It is still new to us at this point, but the clarity is unbelievable. The distance you can see seems to go on and on. I love the reticle choices, be it red, green, or regular non-illuminated. A fantastic scope even if your battery dies. I can see so clearly; I do not even have to close an eye to focus in. I have no complaints so far.
I received this, for free, in exchange for an unbiased and honest review. – Petpop’s WOLFROAD 6-24X50mm Aoeg Optic Duplex Reticle /6-24X50Matte Black Finish Rifle Scopes Hunting/AO/Bule Lens
If you would like to purchase this product, it can be found here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01FFCXASG/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1