I got really excited about this product, when I first read about it. I’ve always wanted a way to turn my lights on from outside of the house, when I come home at night. It’s not only for safety, but I also have a son who is terrified of the dark. Safety, though, is my main concern. You hear about people coming home, only to find a criminal still in their house. That is a terrifying thought. Being able to walk into the lit environment, allows you to be able to react faster, and more safely. There are a lot of app related products now, but anything like that can be hacked, and then people can just mess with you, and that’s not something I feel like dealing with. This set from Innovative Home is pretty simple to set up. They have two options available. You can get 5 outlets with 2 remotes, or the version I bought. I bought the version that comes with 1 remote and three outlets. I went back and forth over my decision. Since I am a stay at home mom, I decided we really only need one remote for when we all go out together in the evening. Then, at night, we can keep the remote in our bedroom. If we hear a noise, we can turn on the main house lights with our remote, before heading into the rooms to see what it was. Yet, again, another important safety measure.
I am so happy how easy this set is to operate. I mean, the instruction pamphlet is literally a fold out sheet, less than 4 inches tall, lol. On the bottom of each plug in device there is a black button. You press the button, once it’s plugged into the outlet, and hold it. When it flashes, press the number button on the remote that you want it to be paired with. That is it. That is all you have to do. Before you can use the remote, you will need to pull out the plastic tab. It comes ready to go with batteries already installed in it. They designed this item, so when it is plugged into an outlet, you can still use the outlet underneath it. Sometimes these things are so large, that is not possible. The remote has two rows of buttons on it. They are clearly labeled as well. On the left side of the remote, you have the on buttons for 1,2,3, and All. On the right side of the remote, you have the off buttons for 1,2,3, and all. At first I wondered why they separated the on and off functions. After thinking about it, I decided it was a good thing for most people. In an emergency a lot of people can’t think straight. They might press the same button more than once, actually turning the lights back off on themselves. This way, that accident can’t really happen. This remote has a distance of up to 100ft away from the source. Being behind a bunch of walls is an issue. I couldn’t turn on the far away table lamp from behind my bedroom door. If I pointed it out of my bedroom door, then I could turn it on. There were too many obstacles. I still had a long hallway and wall in my way, from behind my bedroom door. I did not have to step out of my bedroom though. Which was a good sign. You can also turn the lights on as you enter the home, as long as those lights are in the main area you are entering. Not only is this a great safety measure, but it helps you conserve energy as well. We try and remember to leave a light on when we go out. Leaving a light on while you aren’t home all day costs money. So, this device can actually save you on your electrical bill as well. Overall, a great working product. It is simple to set up and use. It is a great and affordable safety measure to implement in the home.
I received this, at a discount, in exchange for an unbiased and honest review. – Innovative Home’s Wireless Remote Control Outlet Switch – Best Electrical Smart Plug On/Off Control – Perfect For Household Appliances/Devices.
If you would like to order this product, it can be found here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01GTYSIPO/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1