I was afforded the opportunity to review DR Leather’s Weekender Crossbody Messenger Shoulder Handbag Tote Bag, in exchange for an unbiased and honest review. This product arrives as shown.
I love leather. Years ago I owned a horse, and did showing and training. Ever since then, I have loved quality leather items; the look, feel and smell of it. This bag’s leather is absolutely sumptuous. My mom, who is 70, took one look at it, and said, “Now that’s a purse to fight over”, lol. My bag arrived in perfect condition. The stitching was done tight an on point. The leather smelled like beautiful leather, no chemical smell whatsoever. The texture of the leather is soft and supple. Words can’t express enough how wonderful it is. On the outside of this purse, is a large zippered compartment. This is perfect to store your quick, grab items, like your wallet and I.D. Anything, that you just want to grab. The main compartment of this purse can be opened two different ways. There is a long zipper that runs across one side of the bag, or you can undo the belt strap on the top of the bag. This bag is so versatile with these openings. You can use this as a tote bag and carry large items, or a weekend’s worth of clothes, with the larger opening. Or, you can use it as a regular purse with the zippered opening. Inside the purse. Most of it is unlined. You can see more of the rich, wonderful leather. There is a large, open pocket in the bag too. The area where your belongings would lie on, while you carry it, will lie on top of the rest of the lined area. This bag is made very well. The zippers work smoothly. The zipper pulls are leather, and large in size. The hardware is metal. The shoulder/carry strap is adjustable, and leather also. This bag offers a new hip, modern look. It’s fun, functional and ready to meet your needs. I just love it, and I am very comfortable recommending it.
If you would like to purchase this leather purse, it can be found here on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01AT4D9DG?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_search_detailpage