I have to admit it; I am really fond of Soundpeat headphones. They really haven’t disappointed us in the past. I was so happy to receive their Q11 headphones to test. I love, love, love this over ear design. If you are bouncy, have a lot of hair, and are active, these babies will not fall out of your ear, and they are sweat proof! The design is perfecto! I wouldn’t change one thing! I really can’t express that enough. The design is perfect. Now, down to the music, lol. I wouldn’t be happy if they stayed on, but sounded horrible. That would be extra horrible, lol. These sound wonderful. The music and phone calls are nice, and crisp and clear. They chalk that up to their Bluetooth 4.1 technology and their apt X technology. It’s working for them. The bass and instrumental are clear. No edginess, or interference. There is no jumping or static at different levels. These headphones do have a bar off of the right ear. The controls are on the bar, and the micro USB port to charge them is on the right ear. The bar has a multipurpose button in the center, and a plus and minus buttons on either side of the multipurpose button. Press and hold the multipurpose button to turn them on and to pair. They come up as QY11 to pair, and no code is needed. They paired immediately with My Galaxy Note 5 phone. They do speak to you a little. For example: Power on, Power off, Phone 1 connected. They do not state the incoming call phone number though. One press of the multipurpose button is all it’s needed to both answer a phone call and to hang up a phone call. It will go back to playing your music when your call is over. Now, for the + and – buttons. Short press the minus button to lower the volume, long press to restart your song. Short press the + button to increase the volume, and long press to move to the next song. It’s very responsive, no lag. The calls are clear, and I had no trouble answering or hanging up. My husband used them out and about on the road for work without a hitch. You really can’t take calls without Bluetooth when you are in a car. Hands free is really the only way to go. He is on the road a lot, but has to take calls for work. These allow him to be safe and efficient. He also likes to run, and these are there for him yet again. Unfortunately I really love them too, lol. But, I love him more, so he gets first dibs on keeping them.
I was afforded the opportunity to review SoundPEATS New Arrival Q11 Bluetooth 4.1 Wireless Sport Headset, in exchange for an unbiased and honest review.
If you would like to purchase these awesome headphones, they can be found here on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/SoundPEATS-Bluetooth-Wireless-Sweatproof-Earphones/dp/B01ANGNNU4?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_search_detailpage