If you are looking to take fun photos and videos, then you are going to love this camera. It is a blast. I was so intrigued by it, that I am thrilled I was able to test it out. It is unlike any other camera I have tried. I have the Polaroid cube, and a couple Go Pro copy cats, as well as other cameras. I even recently tested the new Polaroid snap. So, this camera was still like no other. It is a lot of fun. The clarity is fantastic and the audio pick up on it is pretty strong as well. This sphere has its own Wi-Fi and its own app. The best part is, is that it works. It works well too, and with no hitches, lol. Don’t even try to scan the QR scan printed in the direction pamphlet. They did it in a yellow ink, and neither my phone or my husband’s phone, could pick it up. Just go to your Google Playstore and look for DETU Camera. It comes up right away, and it’s free to Download for Android. I do not know about IOS. I only tested this camera out with Android. You can operate the camera without the app, but you are restricted and can’t see what you are taping or taking pictures of, until you check the micro SD card.
In your camera kit you will get: 1 camera, 1 instruction booklet, 1 micro USB charging cord, 1 velvet drawstring storage bag, and 1 16gb micro SD card.
I love how they include the micro SD card. This camera will accept a micro SD card up to 32gb. Only use a micro SD card that is a class 10 or higher. Otherwise the movie quality will not be there. On the underside of the camera you will find the port for the micro SD card and micro USB cord. There is also a port for a small HDMI cord. Also on the back is the port to attach your own tripod; it’s nicely threaded. On the top side of the camera you will find the Power button, Wi-Fi button, Shutter button, and the Mode button. Fun fact, you can play with the camera while it’s plugged in charging. They do highly suggest charging this camera in a 1A port, or use what I did, a Smart Charger. It has an internal 1000mAh battery. The charge lasted for about 30 min. of video recording time before it started to let us know, low battery, on our app. Since it has a Wi-FI button, and you can connect it to your tablet and phone, it’s easy to share your fun memories to social media. To connect to the Wi-Fi, you will need to insert a code the first time out. It is 12345678. This camera has so many wild modes: Fish Eye, Panorama, Planet, Hemisphere, or VR mode. Yes, it even has VR mode. How wild is that!!!!! I am so glad I have a pair of VR glasses too. I was like a little kid in a candy store when I saw that. You can take photos in all these modes as well. It doesn’t have to just be videos. You can do all of this from the app. It’s so easy to do. You can even play with your screen on your phone. It doesn’t get incorporated into what you are filming though. You can twist and turn it, and make it spin. It’s fun to do. My youngest son was having a lot of fun with that. This camera is 1.69” wide x 1.97” tall x 1.97” long. It’s a very user friendly size. It only weighs 2.7oz as well. This would be a fun camera to go hiking with. We love everything about this camera. The modes are fun to use, and the clarity is great. The app actually works very well, and it is so responsive and easy to use at any skill level.
I was afforded the opportunity to review Quintumnia’s JoyPlus 360 Degree Spherical Panorama Action Camera With Free 16G Micro SD Card for Making 360 Video, Portable Digital Camera with Free App, in exchange for an unbiased and honest review.
If you would like to purchase this fun camera, it can be found here on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/JoyPlus-Spherical-Panorama-Portable-Digital/dp/B01CS4K834?ie=UTF8&colid=1Q5LLWSJLS46O&coliid=ITT9HDJDT5CRU&ref_=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_ttl