(The video was taken on our trip to McDonalds. No one noticed that I was wearing it either.)
It’s fun to play super spy when you have reliable equipment. I have reviewed other wearable spy gadgets, and a lot of them fall flat with ease of use, and quality of recording. This particular camera from Recordergear is holding up pretty well. It comes with a free app to download, so it can be used in multiple ways. I have only tested the app out of Android devices. It is available for IOS too, though. The app is called FinalCam, and it’s free to install. C11 is the camera name, and the default password is 12345678. It linked up with our cameras right away. Only one person can be connected at a time to the camera using the app. My husband and I both tried being logged into it, and it said NO, lol. The camera has its own Wi-Fi. So, when you want to link up to it, turn the camera on first, and then hit the Wi-Fi button and make sure you opened your app on your phone or tablet. Your phone will then connect with the camera, and you will be able to view what your camera is viewing. You will need to press the arrow button when you open the app, to activate the connection process. The picture is pretty clear. This will also depend on the quality of your camera or tablet too. From the app you can record, take pictures, adjust the volume, or turn it off. You can adjust the light as well. There are 4 buttons on the camera itself. One side there is a power button and the light button, for nighttime, or dark room, filming. On the other side is the Wi-Fi button and the mode button. This camera can be fully operated without the app. That’s definitely better for wearing it as a body cam, and being more super spy like, lol. Here is a quick break down how to operate it from the buttons:
-Press and hold to turn it on and off. It comes on with the Blue light. You can cycle through the modes with the mode button.
Blue means record
Red means photo mode
Green means only Audio record mode
Red/Blue Combo means Motion activated video mode
Pick the color you want, and then short press the power button to activate the mode. The light will flash about 5 times, and then go into your chosen mode. It’s pretty simple, and can be done on the sly, once you get familiar with the camera button locations. You need to press the light button to activate the nighttime viewing mode. You need to supply your own micro SD card for this camera. When you buy one, make sure it is at least a class 10, or the video will not be worth our while. Now, if you have Windows 8, you will need to download the VLC video player program. It’s free, or it was when I downloaded it onto my old laptop, which is now my husband’s laptop. Otherwise you can only see the video and not hear any audio. With playing the video through VLC, you are good to go. I have Windows 10, and it plays the video and audio perfectly. I normally don’t wear shirts with chest pockets. That would be the perfect place to wear a bodycam. I place it on my belt, and filmed from the hip when I used it. I notice in the video, with many lighting variations, it will darken a little. But, my expensive camera, does that too, so, not a surprise. I swear, cameras do not know what to do with sunlight and LED lighting. It makes the lens darken somewhat, for some reason. It films for approx.. 10 minutes, and then restarts another video on its own. There seems to be an unnoticeable gap really between threads. With this camera you will get 1 charging cable, 1 hdmi cable, 1 microfiber cleaning cloth, 1 camera and instruction pamphlet. When you plug the camera into your computer, it will automatically download the drivers for it. Overall, it’s a very easy camera to operate. I think it’s fun, and user friendly. I like the sound and picture quality for a body cam. It really is the best I have personally used to date.
I received this in exchange for an unbiased and honest review. – Teton Webstores’ RecorderGear PC550 1080P Wide Angle Portable WiFi Body Worn Camera.
If you would like to purchase this product, it can be found here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01HQRQZJ4/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1