If you like to go camping, go to the beach, or just lounge, this is for you. The concept is pretty cool, and it really works. All you need is some wind, and you have a couch to sit or lie on. If you have ever used a dry bag, you can operate this with ease. It literally functions as a dry bag does. This particular couch from Stoga, has a maximum weight limit of 330 – 440lbs. That is a lot of weight. One person can comfortably lie down on it, and three smaller people can sit on it comfortably. You may have to roll yourself over to get up though, lol. The couch is just full of air, and getting out of it is not the most graceful action. To fill it up you need to open the bag, and hold it up with the compartment open, facing the wind. If there is no wind, create your own by running. It doesn’t take much to fill it. Now, after you fill it with air, you roll the end over like 3 times, and then clip it shut. Voila, you have a couch to get cozy on. The material for the outside of the couch is a Nylon. The interior of the couch is PVC. It’s pretty durable, and puts up with the weight of me and my husband, together, lol. It’s very easy to keep clean, and dries quickly in case you get it wet poolside, or beachside. You can even use it indoors, for that impromptu sleepover. I love how lightweight this is. It arrives with its own shoulder bag to store and carry it in. It weighs only 3lbs, which is really light. You need wind to fll it up, but if it gets too windy, it can blow away if no one is on it. You can get a sand stake, or yard stake, and some paracord. Then just loop the paracord through the strap you buckled. Then it can’t blow away when you get up; problem solved. Also, remember to take your keys out of your pocket, or anything sharp you may have. The material can actually put up with a lot, but you can put a hole in it, if not careful. Overall, I am really impressed with this couch. The storage bag was not made with the best craftsmanship, but it works, and well too. It is easy to roll up the couch, and put it back in it, when you’re done with it too. I am comfortable recommending this product.
I was afforded the opportunity to review this product, for free, in exchange for an unbiased and honest review.: Klue Knights’ Stoga Outdoor Inflatable Couch Camping Furniture Sleeping Compression Air Bag Lounger.
If you would like to purchase this product, it can be found here on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Stoga-Inflatable-Furniture-Sleeping-Compression/dp/B01EUFR22O?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_search_detailpage