Vacuum saver bags like these are so handy. They definitely have their plus and minuses. I have used some in the past, and found using them for moving purposes, to be very handy indeed. This set is so unique to me, in the way that they include a hand pump with them. Is the hand pump the easiest thing to use, no. Is it the hardest, not for me. It takes persistence and a lot of pumping, lol. Think of it as a good arm workout. I alternated between arms. It’s not so bad, lol. I am pretty weak with constant anaphylactic reactions. I do love being able to use these bags without a vacuum cleaner. My current vacuum cleaners aren’t the type that I could attach to a bag like this. I love this option. They are like other bags I have used. The seal is finicky. You really have to work it to make sure it’s tight. One end opens like a giant zip lock bag. If there is one tiny spec not clicked sealed, your bag will be puffed full of air in a few hours. That happened to me with these bags as well. There is a plastic piece on each bag that you can squeeze and pull along the whole zipper area to help you seal it. Do not rely on it though! I also had to use my hands to fully run along it, and finish clicking these spec like areas closed. This is common with these type of bags, no matter what the brand. This is from my personal experience too. When filling them, you need to remember not to overfill them. If you do, the pressure of pulling the air out, may pop the seal on the zipper area. The valve cap area on my bags are holding very well. I have not had a leak through this area as of yet. It is still holding as I type, lol. You can use these to make packing easier for trips, too. Just remember to pack the hand pump, for the return trip.
You will get 6 bags and 1 hand pump in this set. The bags come in two sizes: Three 35X28 inches and three 28X20 inches. These are handy for blankets, sheets, towels, clothes, scrap material for crafters, and more. They are really handy. Fair warning for animal owners. Do not store these in an area where they can get there little claws or beaks into them. They will quickly inflate this way, lol. For example, my moms friend stored them under her bed, and her cats found them. She came home to her bed elevated off of the floor, lol.
I was afforded the opportunity to review this product, for free, in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.: Best B’s Jumbo Vacuum Space saver Storage bags. [BONUS] Free travel Vacuum hand pump.
If you would like to purchase this product, it can be found here on Amazon: