I have been using organic castor oil for a few years now. I use it in my homemade soap, as well as straight out of the bottle. I absolutely love this product. This particular bottle of Organic Castor Oil from FoxBrim, on Amazon, is one of my favorites. The bottle is a great size, and I keep it in the bathroom as part of my skincare regimen. I rotate my all natural oils during the week, and this is one of them. I have used this product in the past, so I am very familiar with it, and can honestly say it’s one of my favorites. It is a 4oz glass bottle. It’s a dark brown glass bottle. No chemicals will leach into it since it’s a glass bottle too. Castor oil is extracted from the Castor seed. No Hexane was used to process this product either. People don’t realize it, but a lot of horrible chemicals are used to process what are supposed to be healthy oils. This is organic and Hexane free. Castor oil is known for its high antioxidant count and anti-inflammatory properties. That is what makes it great for skin care. The oil is on the thicker side. Even though, it does seep into the skin. I like to use it as a lip gloss too, since it’s thicker. It doesn’t taste bad as a lip gloss either, lol. I get a ton of allergic breakouts, and quickly keep them at bay with natural oils. This Castor oil has been very beneficial to my skin. I use it on my face and throat a lot, since that is where I have most of my issues. It’s amazing how fast this natural oil can heal a sore, whereas any prescription I’ve received has not healed my skin. They start to improve it, but then it stops working. I only use natural oils now. Since it is thicker, sometimes I add a couple drops of my tea tree oil to it, and then rub it on my affected area. It’s a very healthy carrier oil when I use it like that. Castor oil is also rich in fatty acids, which also makes it very healthy for your hair, skin, and nails. It really does help too, from my personal experience. You can rub this on your feet before bedtime, and around your nailbeds. I love it in my homemade soaps. This is just a win, win product. There was no animal testing done with this brand. It is a cold pressed, unrefined organic product. I most definitely recommend it.
I received this product for free, in exchange for an unbiased and honest review. – FoxBrim’s 100% Pure Organic Castor Oil.
If you would like to purchase this product, it can be found here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0117A8XDW/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1