#McDonalds – cspierdowis' Product Review Blog https://cspierdowis.com Wed, 27 Jun 2018 19:28:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9.2 83694181 McDonalds Brought Me To Tears Today… https://cspierdowis.com/mcdonalds-brought-me-to-tears-today/ https://cspierdowis.com/mcdonalds-brought-me-to-tears-today/#respond Wed, 27 Jun 2018 19:28:29 +0000 https://cspierdowis.com/?p=7888 I debated doing a video, but besides feeling run down, sick, and overwhelmed, I am pretty upset. Through the evolution of my allergies becoming numerous and life threatening, I have had to, basically, go through the stages of mourning for my old life, to what my life is now. I do not function like a regular person. Every day I wake up, it’s like playing another game of Russian Roulette. I have so many anaphylactic reactions. I have become accustomed to living like this, as has my family. It’s just a way of life now. Unfortunately, occasionally, a situation will pop up that brings me to tears, and I feel like I am back to the stage, feeling like I am useless and in the way.

I cannot go to many places, but I can take my family to McDonalds and Cracker Barrell. So, I normally take my son and mother out to lunch at McDonalds, I have not had any issues overall, except for recently. They changed to adding kiosks in al of their stores. I guess every store will eventually get 2 kiosks. Now, I have informed the employees that because of my health issues, which affect my vision, that I cannot and will not be able to use the kiosks. I have a hard time focusing in to see the writing on the kiosks, and I do not want to, and cannot risk touching the kiosk screen, that a constant stream of hands touch daily. I could easily have an anaphylactic reaction this way. I cannot even imagine what will happen to people during flu season, yuck! They really need to add their wipe stations at every kiosk, as well as a trash can.

Anyhow, I have taken my group to McDonalds twice this week. It started Monday, with the crew ignoring me, and making me wait a long period before taking my order at the counter. The just ignored me. Today, it was blatant, very blatant. The same people, turned their backs, and completely ignored me. It took almost 10 minutes for someone to come and take my order. A person that had been cleaning, had to come from the other side of the lobby to help me. The people behind the counter and the person by the kiosks just turned their backs, and ignored me. No one would say a word to me, just made me feel like I was a horrible person. I may not look disabled, but I am. I am highly dependent, and this really has hurt me to the core. I almost had to leave, and not take my family out, because I couldn’t get any help. They were doing it on purpose, even if they try to deny it. The behavior is not acceptable. Being rude and denying service to anyone is really not acceptable. I know every establishment has the right to refuse service to anyone, but just say that. Do not treat people like they are nothing. Treating someone who is disabled like they are a joke, or nothing, or a nuisance is morally wrong. Before this week, they kept loudly trying to make me use the kiosks. They kept trying to make me feel guilty, saying I was  going to get an employee fired, and so on. I am sorry, but my ability to stay alive is more important. Little do they know, or care, that I have had a sting of severe, and mild reactions. Monday I woke up and had a sink full of blood from my mouth because of it. My skin on my face would break out and ooze from infection at the spur of the moment. I am battling an infection, and am in a lot of pain. I am just trying to function as a person, a mom, a wife. But, to these inconsiderate people, I am a person that is to be highly disrespected, ignored, a nothing. Little do they know that I had to fight back tears twice while there today, and then succumb to silent tears at home while writing this blog.

Being a strong mom for my son is a top priority for me. My family has, and has to give up a lot, to live with me. Taking my son and mom out to McDonalds is our way of getting out into the world frequently. It isn’t much, but it means a lot to us.

Maybe they secretly want to see me have an anaphylactic  reaction. Maybe they are just so wrapped up into themselves, they can be nothing but mean and selfish. Maybe they get off on treating people with disabilities like trash. Only they know for sure. This lady, however, will not stand for it. I have dealt with a lot of negligence from stores and restaurants over the years, causing me real physical harm. Today was the straw that broke the camels back. The McDonalds that is so rude, and will not tolerate people with needs, for me, anyhow, is store # 4570, according to my receipt.

These opinions and facts are mine personally. I cannot speak for how anyone else feels, or has been treated.

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