Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I love everything about it, espically the decorations. Nothing is more iconic than the Jackolantern either. These lights are really cute. Even though they are not LED, they have them made to keep working, even when a light goes out. I was able to test this out immediately too. One of my pumpkins would not light up upon arrival. Poor thing stayed dark while all of the other pumpkins slowly blinked along. They include 2 spare bulbs with this set. This is a blinking set. There is no other setting option available. On this set of lights from Liberty Imports, you get 10 pumpkins. The individual lights slide into the top of each pumpkin too. There is only 24” of leader line from the plug to first pumpkin, so you may need to use an extension cord, if you are hanging them up. I needed to use one. The entire set is approx.. 11ft long. Every pumpkin is about 12” apart, and each pumpkin is a pretty good size, at 2 ½” in diameter. They plug into a regular outlet, and can use any extension cord, since they have a 2 prong plug. When I first tested them out, I literally just laid them on the floor near me, and let them run all night. The pumpkins are so large, that they never even get warm to the touch when on. This is great, because little ones are drawn to lights, and will definitely try to touch them. When my youngest was little he was drawn to Jackolanterns because of their faces. He loved everything with faces, lol. Overall this is a fun set of lights. I wish they had an option to stay on fully, but since they blink slowly, they are still comfortable to look at and are enjoyable. Some lights blink so fast, so they can make you dizzy, and hurt your eyes. Fortunately, this set is not like that. The green wiring gives the resemblance of pumpkin vines, so the lights look extra cute to me. With all of the LED lights hitting the market, these almost look old fashioned, lol. I actually shocked myself with that reaction. I love, love, love the look. These are sooooo much cuter than the thin LED pumpkin lights I’ve seen. The wonderful character of a Jackolantern, gets lost that way. These are truly iconic.
I received these at a discount. I was under no obligation to leave my unbiased and honest review. – Liberty Imports’ Halloween Pumpkin Lights Blinking Decorative String Lights – Set of 10 Lights.
If you would like to purchase this product, it can be found here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M2131X5/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1