Yea, LEDs. This lady loves LEDs, lol. Ever since we started switching over, and saw how much the electricity bill actually came down, I was hooked. That, and the fact that a while back, my older son, while goofing around with his friends, smashed a CFL bulb, in his room. Those bulbs have Mercury in them. Wow, did that freak me out. I threw so much stuff away. It took forever to clean, and he was banished from his room for over a week. Regular bulbs cost a lot to run, and shatter and make a dangerous mess. CFL bulbs are dangerous when broken, and can’t just be thrown away into the regular trash. That right there is a giant red flag not to own one. It turns out that they emit radiation also. I mean, geez, what were we thinking. The only logical bulb to have, is a LED bulb. Fortunately, they are finally coming down in price. I love this set I just received from Innovative Goods. It is their Lux LED set of 6 bulbs. Each bulb gives off 750 lumens of light, and is a 60W equivalent. These bulbs use 9W of power, which is a little more than some other 60W equivalent bulbs, but the light output is very, very bright! And, it is 51W less than a regular 60W bulb. That is a huge difference. Each bulb is also rated for 10,000 hours of usage. I removed two 60W bulbs from my fan, and placed these 2 bulbs in their place. The other lightbulb I have in my fan is a Bluetooth bulb, lol. Anyhow, I was so shocked at the difference in light. These are sooooo much brighter. They are truly 750 lumens. Thank goodness these bulbs are done with the white plastic covering. This light is easy on the eyes. The light is a warmer light. Not that stark morgue, looking light. On the Kelvin scale, they are rated at 2700K, which means it’s at the warmer of the white light scale. Another great benefit to these bulbs, at this price point, is that they are dimmable bulbs. Now, just because they are dimmable bulbs does not mean you will be able to dim them in your home. If you have an older dimming switch in your home, it is not LED compatible, and it won’t dim your bulbs. You’ll need to go to your local hardware store, and purchase a new LED dimmable switch. Those can dim regular bulbs as well. It turns out, a lot of people do not know this. These bulbs are plastic, not glass. So, not only won’t they shatter if your kid hits it with a toy, but they also do not have dangerous chemicals in them as well. I really like this set. My camera can’t do the light output justice. It immediately dims the light down to take the photo, unfortunately. That’s what happen with an automatic camera, which happens to be my phone, lol.
I received this, at a discount, in exchange for an unbiased and honest review. – Innovative Goods’ Lux LED® 60W Equivalent Light Bulb 6-Pack – 750 Lumen Energy Efficient & Dimmable.
If you would like to purchase these bulbs, they can be found here on Amazon: