I remember playing the original fishing game with my 2 older children. Now, with my 3rd, who is only 8, I get to play it again, but with the newer, updated version. We love this game. It’s a lot of fun. The new twist to the game is 2 levels. Not only is this a 2 level game, but the fish are different styles, and catching them is different as well. There are 5 fishing poles and baskets to this game. So, a large family can play together. Each fishing pole has a magnet on the end of it, but only the small fish have magnets in them. The larger fish are actually trickier to catch. They have larger mouths, obviously, and so, they have teeth. The trick is to catch the string between their teeth to catch them. That is a challenge, lol. When everyone is going after a fish, your magnets end up catching on the magnets of your opponents’ fishing pole, lol. It is really funny too. Both levels spin, and the fish go around and around. As they do their mouths open and close. On the walls of the second level, you get an aquarium affect, which is really pretty to watch actually. This game does play music while you are playing. There are several different songs that play. You cannot adjust the volume, or play without the music. This did not bother us at all. You get used to it fast, and forget that it’s playing. After all, you are too busy laughing and chasing fish. This game by Prextex needs three AAs to operate. You need to supply the batteries, and you will also need a smaller Phillips Head screwdriver to access the battery compartment. We are really having fun with this game. We can all play it together. Age really doesn’t matter. Obviously, it’s not toddler friendly with the little pieces. But for school aged children on up, it’s a blast.
I was afforded the opportunity to review Prextex’s Fishing Game- Deluxe Fishing Game with Lights and Sound, at a reduced cost, in exchange for an unbiased and honest review.
If you would like to purchase this product, you can find it here on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Prextex-Fishing-Game-Deluxe-Lights/dp/B019G6W9DY?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_search_detailpage