The holidays are always so special to me and my family. We always remember we are blessed, every day of the year. Maybe that is why Christmas is just so special to us. We absolutely love decorating, and really look forward to it too. I will be honest, I start to sneak decorations up before Thanksgiving, and normally leave them up to Three Kings Day. Traditions span the religions of our world. One tradition of families celebrating Christmas, is passing on decorations from generation to generation. Clever Creations is a company that sells Nutcrackers. Not just the usual ones that we see everywhere, but all types. Types that can be adored by many.
I was thrilled to be chosen for this Clever Creations Tryabox! I was sent three of their different Nutcrackers, and a trio of their Shatterproof Pickle Ornaments. We used to play the Pickle Game every year. When our family changed, we stopped playing. I am so excited to renew this game. It is so much fun. The three Nutcrackers I was sent are: The Traditional King Nutcracker, The Chubby Italian Nutcracker, and The Lady In Silver Nutcracker.
The Pickle Game revolves around the Pickle Ornament. “The pickle ornament is the last ornament put on the tree. The first-person Christmas morning to find the ornament gets to open the “pickle present”.” The present can be anything that you want it to be. Since Santa always spoils my children, I used to make it cash, like a $10.00 bill. That way, no matter the age of the recipient, the gift would be perfect. I cheated though, because I am a softy. There was also always a consolation prize, too. I love, love, love, that the pickle isn’t glass, like my last one was. Now, I don’t have to worry about it breaking on Christmas morning, and someone hurting themselves. It comes in a three pack too. So, if I want, I can write up the story of the pickle game, and give the extras to a couple friends as a hostess gift, or just as a gift, or to a neighbor, etc. It’s fun giving people presents!
I received the traditional green Pickle Ornaments. They do have them available in other color options as well. Included in the package are some silver threads. You need to attach them to the ornaments yourself. Or, you can attach a hook of your choice. The ornaments measure out at 1.5″ x 1.5″ x 4.5″. I love how they have gold, sparkly spots all over the pickles. I love sparkles! Just make sure your Christmas lights don’t reflect off of them, or that may make it easier to find, lol!
I lucked out and received one of the traditional Nutcrackers: The Traditional King Nutcracker. It is one of the staples, so we are proud to have it in our family now. My King measured out at 12” tall. The top of his crown, brings him to a little over 12”. His Gold Staff is moveable, but does not come out of his grasp. He is made out of wood, and has been decorated in Red, Blue, and Gold tones. I love his traditional mustache, that was painted on. I also think his expression is priceless; so serious, guarding, ruling. His nutcracker action is smooth going. What I love the most about this one, is the little bit of glam, the jewels that adorn his outfit and crown. So perfect for a King.
The next Nutcracker sent to me is from their Chubby Series; The Chubby Italian Nutcracker. Since I have some Italian in me, I really got a kick out of him. He does have some paint smudges on him, but I am used to seeing that with Nutcrackers. The Italian carries a basket of grapes, which actually is moveable too. I think they scraped against his body in packaging. In his other hand, he carries a bottle of wine. The bottle has been marked with the year 2017. I really like that! I can never forget the year I received him, now. Mine measured out at 7” tall; short and stout. He is just too cute, even with the smudges. Honestly, they make him look more authentic. Like he was out there gathering the grapes, and making the wine. I really love him. They even gave him a checkered bandana around his neck. His mouth opens smoothly too, it’s just a little harder to see it, because of the bandana. I am really loving the chubby series. It also makes it easier to group the Nutcrackers together, that way.
Last but not least, is the third Nutcracker I received. I honestly, have never seen anything like her in Nutcrackers before; The Lady In Silver Nutcracker. I mean, WOW. Talk about glam! She radiates sparkle, and I love things that sparkle. She is also made out of wood. Besides being painted, she is adored in an outfit of sequins. She looks so regal, so beautiful. She stands at 14” tall. I love her white fur hat, and the matching fur adorned gown. She is even carrying a sequined purse, and wears a silver necklace. Her long black gloves are painted on, so she can never lose them. They cleverly covered the front of her nutcracker with her flesh colored tape. So, at a quick glance, it is not noticeable from the front, unless you are opening it up. They painted the wood lever on her back, silver, to match the gown. I love how regal, yet sweet, her painted on face is. She looks like royalty.
Clever Creations offers many different styles of Nutcrackers for sale. Overall, I am pretty happy with them. They have a lot of character to them, and are a decoration that is both fun to give and receive. I am most definitely going to look forward to pulling them out of my Christmas boxes every year, and setting them out for all to enjoy. They make me smile. They make my family smile. What more is there to ask for.
You can give Clever Creations some love, and follow them here:
Here are the links to these particular Nutcrackers as well as the Clever Creations Storefront on Amazon:
I received these as a sample through Tryazons Tryabox. All opinions are honest and my own.
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I really love everything about it. Trick or treating, of course, is one of my son’s favorite parts. We always look at all of the fun trick or treat bag options. I only got to use a pillowcase when I was little, so I have a lot of fun looking at the bags. This set from TGS Gems is so cute. You get two bags in this set. They are made out of a nice, thick canvas material, so they should last more than one season, depending on how tough your kids are on them, lol. One is the traditional bag style with handles. The handles are made out of a black canvas material, and are long enough so you can carry the bag on your shoulder. The other bag is a drawstring style bag. This can be used to store your trick or treat candy to pass out, or keep away from your kids while you are waiting for the day, lol. You can trick or treat with it, but it’s like carrying a pillowcase all over again, since there are no handles. There is, however, a drawstring, so if you dropped the bag, your candy will not fall out. And that is definitely an upgrade from a pillowcase. You can also use the drawstring bag year from year to dole out a Halloween gift. Some families give their kids little presents for Halloween. Grandma has always done that in our household. The bag with handles has the option to write your child’s name on the bag. At the very bottom of the bag it states: “Bag of Treats Belongs to”, and then there is blank space to write your name in. You can use a Sharpie marker, fabric paint, or fabric markers. This is a great for households with multiple kids. The bags are virtually the same size, and that is a generous size at that. The drawstring bag is 19” long and 14” wide, and the bag with handles is 19 ½” long and 14” wide. You can fit a lot of candy in these bags. Hopefully your kids won’t sneak toilet paper out in these bags, lol. No tricks, just treats with these bags.
My bags arrived in perfect condition. I had no strange odors or imperfections on mine at all. They were perfect and ready to go. My son was thrilled.
I received these for free, in exchange for an unbiased and hones review. – TGS Gems’ Halloween Candy Bags Durable Canvas Halloween Gift Bags or Halloween Treat Bags for Kids 2 PCs 1 Drawstring Trick-or-Treat Bag (19.2 x 14.4inch) & 1 Halloween Tote Bag (18.89 x 14.15inch)
If you would like to purchase this product, it can be found here on Amazon:
#GotItFree #BloggersUnited
]]>Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I love everything about it, espically the decorations. Nothing is more iconic than the Jackolantern either. These lights are really cute. Even though they are not LED, they have them made to keep working, even when a light goes out. I was able to test this out immediately too. One of my pumpkins would not light up upon arrival. Poor thing stayed dark while all of the other pumpkins slowly blinked along. They include 2 spare bulbs with this set. This is a blinking set. There is no other setting option available. On this set of lights from Liberty Imports, you get 10 pumpkins. The individual lights slide into the top of each pumpkin too. There is only 24” of leader line from the plug to first pumpkin, so you may need to use an extension cord, if you are hanging them up. I needed to use one. The entire set is approx.. 11ft long. Every pumpkin is about 12” apart, and each pumpkin is a pretty good size, at 2 ½” in diameter. They plug into a regular outlet, and can use any extension cord, since they have a 2 prong plug. When I first tested them out, I literally just laid them on the floor near me, and let them run all night. The pumpkins are so large, that they never even get warm to the touch when on. This is great, because little ones are drawn to lights, and will definitely try to touch them. When my youngest was little he was drawn to Jackolanterns because of their faces. He loved everything with faces, lol. Overall this is a fun set of lights. I wish they had an option to stay on fully, but since they blink slowly, they are still comfortable to look at and are enjoyable. Some lights blink so fast, so they can make you dizzy, and hurt your eyes. Fortunately, this set is not like that. The green wiring gives the resemblance of pumpkin vines, so the lights look extra cute to me. With all of the LED lights hitting the market, these almost look old fashioned, lol. I actually shocked myself with that reaction. I love, love, love the look. These are sooooo much cuter than the thin LED pumpkin lights I’ve seen. The wonderful character of a Jackolantern, gets lost that way. These are truly iconic.
I received these at a discount. I was under no obligation to leave my unbiased and honest review. – Liberty Imports’ Halloween Pumpkin Lights Blinking Decorative String Lights – Set of 10 Lights.
If you would like to purchase this product, it can be found here on Amazon:
]]>The winter season is coming fast. Instead of just thinking of the ice cold weather that is coming, it’s fun to think of the decorations that surround the months, and the beauty and intricacy of the snowflake. Snowflakes are so beautiful. As children we are taught how to cut them out of paper, and to draw them as best as we can. They are just so beautiful. These particular solar lights from SolarDuke are really pretty too.
I am loving how sensitive the newer solar panels are, for something so small. The solar panels on these lights are only as big as my palm, yet, I was actually able to charge one in my window, during Hurricane Mathew. We needed something bright and cheery with all the darkness, wind, and rain. These lights are actually yard stakes that you put together easily. They are fully weatherproof as well. They stand about 32” tall, and will go on by themselves at nighttime.
These are LED lights as well, and are rated to last about 100,000 hours. Fortunately, the internal battery is replaceable, because it won’t last as long as the LEDs, lol. They rotate through 7 beautiful colors, and because of the clear plastic snowflake design, really glow in such a mesmerizing way. Under each solar panel, you will see a switch to turn it on and off, as needed. Otherwise just slide the stakes together, to assemble them, and place them out in the sun. They will go on at night and be off by morning.
The snowflakes are made out of a clear plastic. But they are actually pretty thick, and a little bigger than my fist. This is a set of two, so they would be really pretty flanking a doorway, or a garage door, walkway, gateway, and more. You can order more than one set, and then place them in pots along your deck. I love that no electricity is required. Your electric bill will not go up. They are not hot to the touch, and they are not too bright, and shouldn’t keep you awake at night. I love, love, love them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, I’m sure you can tell by all of my gushing about them. These are a win, win for the winter season. They were a big hit in my household.
I received this at a discount. I was under no obligation to leave my honest and unbiased review. – Snowflakes Solar Powered Garden Stake Lights Color Changing Outdoor Decoration Lawn Patio Deck Yard Decor by SolarDuke
If you would like to purchase this product, it can be found here on Amazon:
#Elite1Reviews #AtADiscount
]]>Halloween is my favorite holiday. It is so much fun, and it’s for all ages. When you think of Halloween, you think of skeletons. My son had to have one last year, and it was a hard plastic. He immediately broke one of the joints, so now it’s a one-armed skeleton, lol. So, I am really liking this one. It is so much more durable, and house friendly. It is soft to the touch, and it is made out of plastic foam, but feels like a thick foam. If you put your face close to it, you can smell it at first. It’s shipped in a cellophane wrapper. It did air out. The smell wasn’t strong enough to make me sick with my insane allergies, so I have no concern over it. All foam has an odor to it. The design looks just like it’s pictured. One of the eyes has a smidgen of red just outside of the eye socket. That might make someone with OCD nuts, lol. A white out pen, or sharpie marker can correct that if it bothered you. It doesn’t bother me at all. Mine measured out at 25 inches long, and 9 inches wide, at the widest point. Fortunately, it has a loop attached to it, so it’s a breeze to hang up. Since it is soft, it won’t scratch up your walls or doors, if your kid plays with it, like mine. So, I am loving that feature. The cord is attached to the top of the head, and is 5 ½” long. It can be used both indoors and outdoors. I love the red color in the eye sockets. It gives it a lot of depth and interest. You can add it to a collage of other spooky decorations, or let it hang alone. You can add flashing lights, or colored LEDs, to make it look spookier. Just be creative and have a lot of fun. It’s an easy going, foam skeleton, enjoy.
I received this for free, in exchange for an unbiased and honest review. – YoungKer’s Vbiger Scary Halloween Skeleton.
If you would like to purchase this product, it can be found here on Amazon:
]]>You can personalize anything that has a smooth surface: pens, pencils, folders, envelopes, wires, cards, calendars, chargers, power banks, laptops, white boards, and so much more. For those of you that make your own small puzzles, this tape can be used to decorate the pieces. Teachers can decorate their boards with it. If you are a scrap booker, you will probably love using this material. They have other sets available as well, with different patterns. It’s pretty easy to work with. If you use a box cutter and a cutting mat, you can cut and design all types of shapes. The tape has no odd odor to it. It’s a very clean, and pleasant material to work with.
I was afforded the opportunity to review Inspired Me Products’ Premium Washi Masking Tape Collection (SET OF 16) by Kimono Tape, at a reduced cost, in exchange for an unbiased and honest review.
If you would like to purchase this product, it can be found here on Amazon:
]]>Yea, coloring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s fun for both adults and children. Even if you think you don’t like coloring, I bet you still have fun helping your kids, lol. That’s what we adults do. Drawing is fun, whether it be free hand or in one of those new Adult Coloring books going around. This is a set of 24 colored pencils. They used high quality pigments, and it shows when you are drawing. The coverage is great, and they are soft to write with. You can do shading well, hard line drawing well; full spectrum colored pencils. These are water resistant, fade resistant/light resistant. They arrive pre-sharpened and ready to go. Mine sharpen easily as well. I absolutely love how vibrant the colors are. They really make your pictures come alive. My son is 8 and likes the adult coloring books as well. He thinks kids coloring books are too childish for him now. I’m so glad there’s this option for him now. With adult coloring books, you need better quality pencils. The areas to color can be so fine and dainty. You can layer with these and blend. Wait till you use them the first time, you will be so happy with them. I, until recently, have only been using low end pencils, that I buy for my son. I always hated using those. They just do not cover well at all. After moving on up to high quality colored pencils, I can never go back again. I used them years ago in Art School. I am so glad they are back in my life. There is no comparison. My son is now officially spoiled too, lol. Coloring, drawing, creating, is so relaxing. I am so glad there are quality colored pencils like these from Crown Art. The colors are just so vibrant in this set.
I was afforded the opportunity to review CrownArt- 24 Pack of Colored Pencils, at a reduced price, in exchange for an unbiased and honest review.
If you would like to purchase these pencils, you can find them here: