bathtub mat – cspierdowis' Product Review Blog Thu, 20 Oct 2016 03:16:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 83694181 Saftey in the tub. – Melanov’s Non-slip Bathtub Mat for Toddlers and Infants. Mon, 20 Jun 2016 23:35:22 +0000

Last year, one of my son’s childhood friends passed away falling in the shower. Ironically, that same week, my son fell in the shower. Thankfully he was ok. Having a non-slip surface in your tub, cannot only save your kids life, but your life as well. Just thinking about that poor young man makes me cringe to this day. Do not take safety for granted at any age. Train your children young, get them a bathmat. This particular bath mat from Melanov on Amazon, is really cute too. I love how it’s clear in color with the vivid outdoor scene on it. It’s really fresh looking for a bathmat. It measures out at 15” wide x 28” long. These are my measurements. This bathmat has 144 suction cups on it too. They state to wash it off, on both sides prior to use. Also, to ensure a great adherence to the tub floor, to wet the area prior to placement. It’s made out of a PVC material, and made to let the water drain off it easier. This helps keep the mildew growth down on the mat. That is always my one pet peeve about bath mats. I think it’s a small price to pay for safety, though. Make sure you adhered it correctly to the tub floor before letting your kids bathe on it. It adheres really well too. You can stand and wiggle on it, and it stays put. I love the bright vivid colors on the clear background. I am comfortable recommending this product.

I received this product, at a discount, in exchange for an unbiased and honest review. – Melanov’s Non-slip Bathtub Mat for Toddlers and Infants.

If you would like to purchase this product, it can be found here on Amazon:

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