Ozeri CarioTech Pro Series Blood Pressure Cuff


My past history is that of a nurse. My family living situation now also consists of my mother. She has high blood pressure, among other cardiac issues. I strongly feel that everyone should know their baseline blood pressure from as early as their teens. My 20 year old knows what his blood pressure is, so he can monitor any changes. Even kids have strokes. Having a machine like this in the home should be a staple. I was afforded the opportunity to review this Pro Series Cardio Tech Blood Pressure cuff in exchange for an unbiased and honest review. I was very excited for this to arrive in the mail, because I love using new medical equipment. I’m a bit of a science nerd, lol. My husband had just had his blood pressure taken over his Army Reserve weekend using a machine like this one. He said they didn’t position his arm right, as shown in the directions, and they couldn’t get a correct reading. My husband knows what his baseline BP is. He actually was the first to use this cuff. We did discover between the two of that this machine, like most machines like this, is finicky with position and placement of the cuff. You will need to know your baseline, and then practice, practice, practice, until you start getting your baseline blood pressure. They even have a pictograph of instructions right on the band of the cuff, The inflation of the cuff does not hurt in any way, shape, or form. So please don’t hesitate in using this to practice with. Do not immediately take your blood pressure back to back. Give it a few minutes at least. If machines like this scare you, don’t be afraid of this one. It’s only secured by Velcro, so you can easily and quickly undo it. Now, with this blood pressure cuff we can quickly monitor any changes in my mother’s blood pressure. It is always high and she has a history of malignant high blood pressure. Instead of second guessing if you should call for EMS services, you will know to call. Seconds count, especially with your heart. Having a cuff like this is priceless when it comes to your family and friends. I am extremely comfortable in highly recommending this Pro Series Ozeri CardioTech blood pressure cuff.

http://www.sears.com/ozeri-cardiotech-pro-series-digital-blood-pressure-monitor/p-SPM11892129219?prdNo=2&blockNo=2&blockType=G2 is the link where this blood pressure monitor can be purchased from Sears.

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