These lights are so pretty in person. I’m glad I took the chance. You get the four in a set, and I thin it is so unique that you can either use them tabletop or attach the stakes, and use them that way. I place mine in some potted plants on the deck, and they look so pretty in them, both during the day, and at night when the lights come on. Be very, very careful when removing them from the box upon arrival. That is literally my only negative with this product. When I opened them up, the solar panel tops look like their attached to the body of the lights. They are not. I had a couple fall down to the ground, and I am glad they didn’t break. I was on my deck when I opened them up, and my house is on piers, so I was happy they didn’t roll off. You do need to turn each light on upon arrival too. The power switch is clearly labeled, and it is on the underside of this solar panel top. Then, screw the tops on, and either set them out on your table to charge, or attach the stakes to them and set them out. The stakes just push onto the bottom of each light. They hold firmly too. First pull the plastic part of the stake out, and turn it around and reattach it to the pole.
The solar panels are very receptive. I have had no trouble with them charging from my covered deck. They are waterproof, so I do not need to remove them with it’s pouring, or when I water the plants. I live on the coast, and even though it’s a covered deck, water comes in and drenches everything anyhow, lol. The lights have a diamond shape to them, and not only are very pretty to look at, but really throw a really pretty light when they are on. They having been going on at dusk, and have lasted till sun up. My mom gets up early, and when she hits the deck around 6:30 a.m., they are still on, she tells me. I’m not up at that hour, lol. I absolutely love the soft colors these throw off. I normally like lights that stay on solid. These gently roll through different colors. Since they change so slowly, and gently on the eyes, I am really enjoying this set. Even though they are on stakes, they could get lost in your landscaping. I highly recommend them being in a flat border time of situation, or in potted plants, where they can be the star of the show. So far my lights have put up with the wind and weather. They are charging well, and operating like they should. These are really pretty lights.
I really lucked out and bought these lights on a flash sale, with my own money. – SolarDuke’s Solar Diamond Shaped Color Changing Landscape Lighting.
If you would like to purchase these lights, they are available here on Amazon:
]]>The winter season is coming fast. Instead of just thinking of the ice cold weather that is coming, it’s fun to think of the decorations that surround the months, and the beauty and intricacy of the snowflake. Snowflakes are so beautiful. As children we are taught how to cut them out of paper, and to draw them as best as we can. They are just so beautiful. These particular solar lights from SolarDuke are really pretty too.
I am loving how sensitive the newer solar panels are, for something so small. The solar panels on these lights are only as big as my palm, yet, I was actually able to charge one in my window, during Hurricane Mathew. We needed something bright and cheery with all the darkness, wind, and rain. These lights are actually yard stakes that you put together easily. They are fully weatherproof as well. They stand about 32” tall, and will go on by themselves at nighttime.
These are LED lights as well, and are rated to last about 100,000 hours. Fortunately, the internal battery is replaceable, because it won’t last as long as the LEDs, lol. They rotate through 7 beautiful colors, and because of the clear plastic snowflake design, really glow in such a mesmerizing way. Under each solar panel, you will see a switch to turn it on and off, as needed. Otherwise just slide the stakes together, to assemble them, and place them out in the sun. They will go on at night and be off by morning.
The snowflakes are made out of a clear plastic. But they are actually pretty thick, and a little bigger than my fist. This is a set of two, so they would be really pretty flanking a doorway, or a garage door, walkway, gateway, and more. You can order more than one set, and then place them in pots along your deck. I love that no electricity is required. Your electric bill will not go up. They are not hot to the touch, and they are not too bright, and shouldn’t keep you awake at night. I love, love, love them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, I’m sure you can tell by all of my gushing about them. These are a win, win for the winter season. They were a big hit in my household.
I received this at a discount. I was under no obligation to leave my honest and unbiased review. – Snowflakes Solar Powered Garden Stake Lights Color Changing Outdoor Decoration Lawn Patio Deck Yard Decor by SolarDuke
If you would like to purchase this product, it can be found here on Amazon:
#Elite1Reviews #AtADiscount
]]>We are big fans of solar lights. We use them all of the time. It’s a proven fact that a well-lit home has a lower chance of being robbed that a poorly lit home. And who doesn’t love a lower electricity bill! I know I do. I hate wasting money on an electricity bill. Solar panels, even these little ones, are so much better nowadays too. They really do provide enough power to light these lights. To top it off, these are LED lights. Another thing I love. LEDs are so much more durable and longer lasting, than regular bulbs. Combine these two things together, and really, how can you go wrong. The key to using lights like this, is to make sure you position the panels so they get full sun during the day. They can illuminate the night for up to 8 hours on a full charge on high. Each light has an internal 200mAh battery. They have a high and a low mode. High is 200 lumens, and low is 100 lumens. Both settings are pretty bright. Both the light and the solar panel are adjustable. You actually have to assemble the lights upon arrival. They did it that way to make the box smaller. Normally they aren’t too hard to assemble, but these need a little patience, and steady hands. You have to almost press the nut into the opening with a finger, while screwing in the screw cap with the other. It eventual catches enough to tighten up the light. But, once it’s done, it’s done, lol. No worries about inclement weather bothering these lights. They have an IP65 waterproof rating. They can handle anything but being submerged. These lights are great for illuminating the outside of your home, pathways, and landscaping. They are very easy to operate. Each light has an off/on button on the back of the solar panel. Press it once for the low setting, and twice for the high setting. They can either be staked into the ground, or mounted on a wall, fence or tree. They include mounting hardware and the stakes, too. The stakes literally just push in, so they are very easy to do. The lights throw a pretty good beam too. It all depends on the angle you set the light. Each light has 4 LEDs in it. These are actually fully on lights, not motion activated lights. They will come on at dusk, and be off by morning. You can set them on low for a longer lasting light time frame, and then put them on high on nights you know you will be coming in late, or having company over. The lights are steady on and won’t flicker on you. Even on days with no sun, you’ll still get some charge; not enough to light up all night, but enough to come on at dusk. I am really happy with this set. I love being able to buy them as a set. One is never enough, or appear balanced, visually. With the two you can light up both sides of your driveway, pathway, or both back corners of your yard. Solar is really a great way to go for outdoor lighting.
I received these for free, in exchange for an unbiased and honest review. – Arui’s Solar Lights,Syhonic 2-in-1 Waterproof 4 LED Solar Spotlight.
If you would like to purchase these lights, they can be found here on Amazon:*Version*=1&*entries*=0
]]>I love solar lighting. It’s a no running cost way to provide outdoor lighting. What’s not to love. It’s a known fact that well-lit homes are less likely to be broken into than non-lit homes, and this is a no brainer way to do it. Especially since most solar lighting, is made with LEDs. LEDs are durable, and last for such a long time. They afford bright, clear light as well. This is LifeStance’s newer, upgraded version. It has a longer battery life, and the light is much brighter. This solar light, on bright, has 300 lumens of light. That will really brighten our way. This particular light will come on at dusk and stay on in Dim mode. When it detects motion, it goes on High mode. It will stay on High for 10 seconds, according to my actual counting, and then it goes back to dim. On a full sun, all day charge, this light will run 12 hours, and will go off at dawn. If it gets put on high throughout the night, it won’t last as long. This light has an internal 18650 lithium, 2200mAH battery. It charges in full sun, so make sure you place it where it will get that. It will charge slowly on overcast days, it just won’t stay lit for nearly as long. This solar light is pretty nice looking. Some aren’t, so I am very happy with this one. It is also quite weatherproof, which is essential for outdoor lighting. This is a lightweight unit, made out of plastics, and metal. It also comes with the hardware for install, and easy directions to follow. There is an actual on/off switch on this light. Not all solar lights have this, which makes this light extremely user friendly. To test the light in home, just go into a hallway where it’s darker. This one has a real dusk setting. Some really need it to be dark to go on. This one doesn’t need such an extreme. This light has 6 LED chips in it now, compared to 4 in their older style. They state that the sensor can work from sensor length to 16-26 feet, and the distance can be affected by temperature. My home is on stilts, so I am higher up. My distance is off with the added height, but it is a very sensitive sensor. I like it a lot. Some I have to really wave at, to get it to pick me up. Not with this light. I am very happy with this product.
I was afforded the opportunity to review Lifestance’s Super Bright 6 Led Solar Motion Sensor Wireless Weatherproof Outdoor Auto Security Night Light 1 Pack, upgraded edition, in exchange for an unbiased and honest review.
If you would like to purchase this product, it can be found here on Amazon: