Time with friends and family, are the most memorable moments. They are moments where you can just relax, unwind, enjoy, and bond. I love activities that I can do with my kids. There is an age gap between the ones near to home, so I jump at activities, where age really does not matter. Corn Hole is a big one for us to all do, but it is a big and bulky game, and not always convenient to do. It’s great to have options, and Djubi has really handed us a few great ones. I was so looking forward to our party, but lovely storms, and illness pushed that aside. We have, however, been able to have a lot of fun, just as a family. My son is homeschooled, and he loves that he can do the Dartball on his own.
With the three games I was sent, you can have a mixture of ages playing together, which I love! You can also take them almost anywhere, too. They are easy to pack and store. You can even play some of them beachside too. I live on the coast, so that is a wonderful aspect for me. What I also love about these outdoor games, is that if you have a wheelchair bound friend or family member, they can also easily participate, as well. I was sent three games: The Djubi Classic, The Djubi Slingball, and The Djubi Dartball. They breakdown as follows:
Ages 8 and UP
2 Players
The Original Djubi. It’s the ultimate game of catch that allows you to send the ball sailing over 100 feet! It relies on a unique launching system that creates maximum distance and maximum fun! The balls come with a rubber loop attached, allowing players to launch them from a hook on the racket frame. It’s perfect to help sports enthusiast and catch aficionados elevate their game.
2 Rackets
2 Large Balls
Ages 6 and UP
2 Players
A smaller version of the Classic. It takes the launching fun and packs it into a lighter design that’s perfect for all ages. Smaller rackets require less strength, while still capturing the fun that Djubi provides. Like the Classic, it has a unique launching system that allows players to hook the looped balls to a notch on the racket frame.
2 Rackets
2 Medium Balls
Ages 8 and UP
2 Players
A Djubi twist on the game of darts! Dartball takes all the launching fun of Djubi games and adds the added challenge of accuracy. Use the launchers to aim and fire balls at the target net; the highest score wins!
2 Launchers
6 Medium Balls
1 Target Net
1 Score Board
1 Dry Erase Marker
See what I mean, a lot of fun. They are well made and simple to participate in. They have a specific way to launch their balls, which according to Djubi, allows the ball to go 100ft! I did not personally measure that, or want to chase that, lol. But, wow, the balls can go far. There is a rubber loop on each ball, and a coordinating hook on the rackets; just place, pull and release. That’s it. Well, I guess you’ll need to aim too, or not, depending on who you want to chase after the ball, lol.
I love the play of the white and bright orange coloring. It’s bright, fun, and festive. It helps to set the mood. The launchers are made out of a thick plastic. The handles are comfortable, and easy to hold onto. My family’s favorite, out of the three games, is the Dartball Game. It reminds us of corn hole, but a lot less bulky, and easier to set up. My son really enjoys it. You really have to practice with shooting the balls, because wow, they really can go far, lol. My son usually likes to stand closer, as he does not have a great throwing arm, lol. But, with the dartball, he actually has to stand back the 20ft, or he overshoots it, every time. The only negative with the Dartball, is that sometimes, it can be hard to refold the pop open target. It needs to be refolded, to go back into the box. However, it does fold flat, incredibly easy, if you can store it this way, instead. Keep in mind, the difficulty could be entirely user error, lol.
I also like that you can play with these indoors, if the weather is not on your side. If you have a rec room, or a long hallway, you are good to go. The balls are soft, but could still break things, so keep that in mind. If you live in a state with a long, hard winter, or rainy season, then you’ll also appreciate these games.
Overall, the quality is great. I am really impressed. In my opinion, they are made better than a name brand competitor. It’s hard to get my youngest excited about outdoor games. I was overjoyed when he actually told me how fun they were. Total win Djubi!
Djubi Classic http://www.blueorangegames.com/index.php/games/djubi-classic
Djubi Slingball http://www.blueorangegames.com/index.php/games/djubi-slingball
Djubi Dartball http://www.blueorangegames.com/index.php/games/djubi-dartball
Disclosure: Cpsierdowis’ Product Reviews receives products in order to conduct reviews. No monetary compensation was provided unless noted otherwise. All opinions are 100% my own. In the event of a giveaway, the sponsor is responsible for delivery of the prize, unless otherwise noted in the posting. I only recommend products or services I personally use and try. This in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 225: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”
]]>Lighting is an important feature for any home. I’m not talking about just regular overhead lighting, or even regular table lamps. One should always be prepared for emergencies, or just plain unplugged, fun. This Creative LED Desk Lamp & Night Light from iTLTL, fits into that category. This portable light can be used both plugged in, or plug free. It arrives with a USB power cord. So, first thing, charge it up. You will have to provide your own adapter.
You can use it plugged in, or without, once it’s charged up. It doesn’t take long to charge enough to use it without the USB cord. I received the pale yellow lamp, but they have it in all white, too. It is such a simple light to operate, but it is very useful. I was a tad skeptical when I first pulled it out of the box. It seemed too lightweight, which was equivalent to being cheap, in my mind. I was quite wrong, and I am happy I was. With this light being so lightweight, it can easily be used for camping. If you used your own clip or cord, you could easily hang this from a tree, or from your tent. I weighed the lamp, and it only weighs 0.4lbs. One pound equals 16 ounces, so this light only weighs 6.4 ounces. Definitely light enough to pack out with. Another lightweight aspect of this light, is the power it uses. It only uses 2W of power. You really can’t go wrong with LEDs nowadays.
This light does not get hot to the touch when in use, at all. So, it is safe to have around your children and pets. This is a 3-function light. You can have the base illuminate like a lantern. You can use it as a desk type lamp, and you can dim the light to your desired brightness, in both settings. On the top of the light, there is a turn nob. You just turn it to your desired brightness, that’s it. When used as a lamp, just unhook, and pull up the arm. There is a diffuser on the LEDs, so it is eye friendly. This part gets only slightly warm to the touch. The head of the lamp is actually the light source for the entire light. When the arm is in the down position, the LED side rests flat against the body, which is the lantern portion. It illuminates the entire base as the lantern, when turned on. This design is what keeps it so lightweight, and portable. On the lowest setting the light can last around 40 hours on one charge.
My youngest has a real fear when it comes to the dark. So, we like to be prepared in our home for any power outages. We also, always, travel with a backup light source. We have been in a hotel before, where the power went out for a bit. Boy, did those backup light sources come in handy for us. This one will definitely be one we take on vacation this year. I love that it can stand on its’ own as both a lantern, and a desk lamp. It really makes it so much more useable than a regular flashlight. The neck of the lamp is very bendable, so you can really position task oriented light, really well. But, since it clips into the base firmly, it then becomes a great handle to both hang it, and carry it from. We are overall, realy pleased with this product.
If you would like to purchase this product, it is available here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XJ5GMV4
I received this as a sample, but all opinions are honest and my own.
]]>I really do not like cold weather, lol. I cannot express that enough. I also despise having to de-ice my car during the winter time. I have Raynauds, and my hands just freeze up, and get so painful. A lot of times, I will just turn my car on and let it heat up while I stay in my warm house. I let the defrost run, as well, to help out with the windows. I waste a lot of gas, but, with my Raynauds, it’s worth it. I still however, have to clean off all the ice and snow off of my car, so it doesn’t fly into others. We do not have much snow here, fortunately, but we do get a lot of ice. I have regular ice scrapers, as does the rest of my family. I, however, have never owned one like this before. I love the mitt design. The mitt is quite long, and fully covers your hand and wrist. The inside is lined with a warm, thick, black fleece. It’s not flat fleece, but a little shaggy, like faux fur. The material on the outside is quilted, and looks just like the ad, which I was glad to see. There is elastic on the mitt, which hits at the wrist area. This helps keep the cold air out. The thick plastic scraper just slides into the mitt, and out the opening of the top. Just hold onto it, and then do your scraping. I compared it to my regular scraper, and it is made just as well; no deficiencies. It even comes with a storage bag. I love simple things like that. The mitt material is pretty durable, and will help to keep your sleeve nice and dry while scraping, which is a great benefit. I used to live around the Boston area, and have vivid memories, of the ice and snow falling into my sleeve. Can you say, freezing!!!!!!!!!!!! It actually stung, lol. I really wish I had this mitt back then. Overall, this ice scraper mitt is well made, very affordable, and will be very beneficial on icy days.
If you would like to purchase this product, it can be found here for purchase: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N2O5CKR/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I received this product at a discount, in exchange for my honest review. Opinions expressed are 100% solely my own.
#GotADiscount #TouchofClassReviews #Otoo #Ice #Snow #Cars #Driving #Winter #AlohaFridays
Working on the road can be tough. Fast food ends up being your daily food intake, for the most part. Even if you prefer fast food, if you order something through the drive thru, half the time they forget your cutlery you need to it. But not only that, even if you take food with you on the road, you will still need cutlery. I, in the past, have lost many a utensil to on the road, food needs. It got to the point, where I said, no more, buy disposable utensils. Disposable utensils are convenient, only if you remember to buy them, lol. They, however, are not eco-friendly, or durable.
A set like this, from Hale Baby is very convenient. But not just for you on the road eaters, but for prepping, camping, road trips, and picnicking, to mention a few. I love how this set includes its’ own zippered storage case. The case is simple, and works perfectly. It is made out of backpack material, and has a zippered closure, which works very well. Also included in the set, which is just a perk, is a nice measuring tape, which is very convenient to own and have. It’s good to keep one in your car. I can’t tell you how many times we have been in a home improvement store, and needed to measure s piece to see if it would work. That, and with the ever changing clothing sizes, it’s good to know a measurement. My mom, last year, went clothes shopping for my bday. She bought me 4 pairs of shorts, and they were all different sizes. Same brand and model too, lol. She took a tape measure, and measured across the waist line. So, it’s very convenient to keep one in your glove compartment.
In this set you get 1 zippered case, 1 tape measure tape, 1 teaspoon, 1 fork, and 1 demitasse spoon. They are labeled and made out of stainless steel. And, they are not bendy either. I always do the bendy test. If I can bend it in my hands, then it wouldn’t last at all with my strong guys! So, they would be worthless, then. The teaspoon measures 6.69″ in length, dinner fork size is 6.77″ in length, and the demitasse spoon size is 4.8″ in length. The small spoon is great for little kids, your coffee, or as a backup spoon if you haven’t washed your regular spoon. The utensils themselves are comfortable to hold and use. It’s a great basic set, and really comes in handy. When you have a safe room for Tornados, etc., with food in it, don’t forget your utensils. A set per person, of these would be great to store. Overall, this is a well-made set. Mine arrived with no imperfections, and I think it s a very handy set to own.
I received these, at a discount. I was under no obligation to leave my unbiased and honest review. – Hale Baby’s Kakalu 3 Piece Stainless Steel Flatware Set ( Dessert Spoons, Dinner Fork, Demitasse Spoons)
If you would like to purchase this product, it can be found here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01J7OQBSE/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
#GotItFree #ExclusiveReviewers
]]>Tactical pens are a great tool to have on you. You can pretty much always have one on you too, be it in your purse, brief case, or on your person. It spans almost all jobs, including being a student. After all, it is a pen. My guys have used a tactical pen for a few years now, so I have claimed this one for myself. A tactical pen is much more than a pen. It is also a means to defend yourself, if in need to do so. The end of the pen has a Tungsten steel tip. You can use this to defend yourself easily, as well as, use it to free yourself from your car in an accident. This will act just like a glass breaker since it can be used to slam an attackers’ head very well. I slammed it into a piece of plywood several times without issue, to test it out. You can’t even tell I tried to rough it up. The actual pen itself is made out of aircraft aluminum alloy. That is what a lot of flashlights are made out of too, for comparison. It is very durable pen! It arrives in a plastic container, that is foam lined and reusable. It was recycled from past flashlights they used to sell. I like seeing things being recycled. The pen actually comes with a refill, which is not usual from the tactical pens we have purchased in the past. The pen writes very smoothly out of the box. The cap is a screw on cap, and there is also a pocket clip. The pocket clip holds pretty well. It is silver in color, and can be removed if you choose to. The top unscrews off, and then you can take the pocket clip off, and then screw the top cap back on. This is not as heavy as some tactical pens, but not as light as a regular pen either. You can take this pen on an airplane, which is good to know. that even there, it will be there for you. Overall, this is a well-made pen. It writes smoothly, and is pretty durable. The pocket clip is not the strongest of pocket clips, but if you are not rough on pens, like my guys can be, it works just fine. With the Tungsten tip, and the strong body, this pen can be trusted to be able to defend yourself with it.
I received this for free. I was under no obligation to leave my unbiased and honest review. – Smart Security’s Brand New Survival Emergency Self Defense Protective Stinger Weapons Tactical Pen.
If you would like to purchase this product, it can be found here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01LWTU3LC/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
]]>When you talk about scope’s, I smile. I have been needing a stronger scope. I am always weary about ordering one online too. If you wear contacts, or don’t have perfect vision, you need to be pickier about your scope. I tried it on my AR for the review, even though it’s a little large for it. It actual sits very securely on it. This one is a complete set. It comes with 1 CR2032 lithium battery, 2 scope rings with Allen wrench, 1 microfiber cleaning cloth, the scope, dual lens cap, and a great sheet of instructions. The instruction sheet is great at telling you how to adjust the scope to get it sighted. No tools are required to place the battery. This is a really easy scope to set up and use.
The lens cap covers are not solid; you can actually see through them as well. This is a great feature if you are setting up. One less worry about scratching the lenses during the process. I walked about outside at first playing with the scope, to see if the clarity was going to meet my needs. I have temperamental eyes due to reactions from my frequent anaphylactic reactions. I need a very clear, strong scope for distance. I was very happily surprised with this scope. Up until this point, I have only had real luck with my son’s pricey Nikon one. I was able to see houses across the inner coastal, from where I was, very, very clearly. I had a blast looking around everywhere, and seeing things I haven’t been able to see. I am so impressed with this scope.
It didn’t matter if I shook the scope, freely swung it while walking, or constantly handling it. The setting didn’t change a bit. It is a fog proof and shock proof scope. Going from the air conditioned room, out to the heat of outdoors, and back in, I had no lens change. It stayed nice and clear. It’s not winter here, so that is the best I could test it out. It also has a dual illuminated duplex reticle. It is versatile from a 6x to 24x magnification range. The objective is adjustable from 15ft to “infinity”, lol, their words. But, since it is quite clear, for such a long range, it feels like that to me. You can use the scope with or without the illuminated reticle on. You actually have the choice of red or green. Otherwise, it will be the regular black reticle. It is very easy to operate as well. I used my current mount for the scope, but the tools necessary to mount the scope rings is a 7/64ths Allen Wrench. I suggest you get your own, instead of using the one included. It is just a small, straight one, and it is hard to grasp and turn. I grabbed one from my tool bag, and it was so much easier to use.
(If you look past the light green house, you’ll see houses in the distance, across the inner coastal. I could see these very clearly and in detail, through this scope.)
Basic common sense when sighting it in. You need to keep your eye at least 3-4 inches from the scope. Play with your eye relief, before tightening the scope down in the rings. You can adjust the eye relief, the magnification, and the objective, easily with this scope. The scope rings included are for 20mm Weaver Dovetail Rails, only, if you choose to use the included rings. They are simple rings, thin, and will raise your scope about 1 ¼”. Overall, this is a great scope. It is still new to us at this point, but the clarity is unbelievable. The distance you can see seems to go on and on. I love the reticle choices, be it red, green, or regular non-illuminated. A fantastic scope even if your battery dies. I can see so clearly; I do not even have to close an eye to focus in. I have no complaints so far.
I received this, for free, in exchange for an unbiased and honest review. – Petpop’s WOLFROAD 6-24X50mm Aoeg Optic Duplex Reticle /6-24X50Matte Black Finish Rifle Scopes Hunting/AO/Bule Lens
If you would like to purchase this product, it can be found here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01FFCXASG/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
My family is big into being prepared. It amazes me how many people do not have the basic items in their home, that can help them and their families in an emergency. From my past experience as a nurse, and in life in general, I can say that a lot of emergencies involve the lights going out, or occurring at night. I believe that you should have at least one flashlight per person, in your home, and extras for company, or flashlight failure. We have several different types per person, in our home. This particular flashlight necklace from BHBody is so unique. I love how it has entered the preparedness arena. People wear neck knives, and tools, and now we can add a stunning looking necklace flashlight. My guys love the look. I, as a female, absolutely love the look. It is a great size at 1 ¾”, it’s an easy size to wear. The chain and flashlight are made out of titanium alloy materials. I think the chain is stainless, but I’m not positive. The chain is a 26” chain, and slips right over my head. That is my personal measurement. So, there’s a great chance you won’t have to undo it to put it on and off. That is highly convenient. The length of the chain, also allows you to use the light, without removing it from your neck. Obviously, that won’t be convenient for everything, but it’s a great option. This is a twist on light to, which is quick and silent, in case you need to be silent. Just twist it clockwise to turn it on, and counter clockwise to turn it off. When the light starts to get weak, just plug it into your micro USB, and let it be. It will not overcharge, and there is an LED light that goes from red to green, once it’s fully charged. It took about 30 minutes for my light to charge. You need to supply your own micro USB. Now, the charging port is located under the top of the flashlight. Unscrew it like you are turning it off, but keep on turning until it comes off completely. You will see the micro USB port on the side of the light. This is pretty bright for a tiny light. It puts off 130 lumens of a bright, white light. I love LEDs. They are so much more user friendly. No poisonous chemicals to deal with. They do not break easily when you drop the light, and they last soooo much longer than regular bulbs as well. This LED is a CREE-XP-G2 LED, and is rated for up to 50,000 hours. No matter how many times I see a lifespan of a LED, it always impresses me. I am a bit of a LED nut, lol. What I also find impressive, is that this tiny light is also a dual mode light. It actually has low and high. High is the 130 lumens. When you start to turn the cap to turn it on, it will first reach low mode, and when you keep turning, you will reach the high mode. You can’t miss it. It has an IPX8 waterproof rating, which means that it is water resistant up to 2M, and has an impact resistance rating of 1.5m. So, this means you can use this light in the rain, and if you drop it from standing, it will be fine and dandy. The internal rechargeable battery is an 10180 Li battery. They state that you can change out the battery when it finally goes. The LED will last longer than the battery. I have dropped the light and ran the light under the faucet. I have had no issues with it. I absolutely love it. It would make a great gift, as it even comes in a fancy gift box, that looks just like a jewelry gift box. You do have the option of putting it on your key ring as well, so it’s not stuck as a necklace only. It’s quite the handy and usable flashlight. I really love it.
I received this, at a discount, in exchange for an unbiased and honest review. – BHBody’s BINGONE WUBEN Keychain USB Rechargeable Mini Necklace LED Flashlights Torch Gift Box.
If you would like to purchase this product, it can be found here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01HYXBB7G/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
]]>We have become fans of the stainless steel tumblers on the market, and use them daily. Stainless Steel is such a durable material. It does not rust. It does not naturally harbor fungus, bacteria, and mold. That is why its’ the material of choice in professional kitchens. I am so happy to see the market expanding. If we buy specialty drinks or beer, they normally come in glass bottles. Drinks taste pretty darn good out of the glass bottles too. So, we were very happy to see this set. It is fantastic. Just unscrew the bottom of the container, and slide your bottle in, and close it up. This set is amazing. It has a screw top for the top to keep out nature debris, and bugs, and then the bottom opening, to place your drink into it. This set is a 2 pack. In it you get: 2 Stainless Steel Bottle Holders, 2 Stainless Steel Bottle Openers, and 2 Neoprene bottle sleeves, along with an ebook on brewing beer. You really can’t beat it. The beer bottle holders will hold most 12oz bottles, so you don’t have to drink beer to use these.
Here is a list of some beers the company says fit these stainless koozies:
Angry Orchard Hard Cider
Ballast Point
Big Sky
Black Diamond
Bud Light
Bud Light Lime
Bud Light Platinum
Bud Light Aluminum
Coors Light
Dogfish Head
Goose Island
Gordon Biersch
Henry Weinhard’s Root Beer
Johnny Appleseed Cider
Michelob Light
Michelob Ultra
Miller Genuine Draft
Miller High Life
Miller Lite
Pepsi Glass Bottle
Redd’s Apple Ale
Samuel Adams
Shiner Bock
These koozies are insulated. They have a neoprene liner, and the bottom cap, also has a neoprene liner in it. This also helps keep the bottle seated, quietly in the koozie. I love that they added a neoprene external sleeve, to put the stainless bottle holder in. Each neoprene sleeve has a stainless steel bottle opener attached to it too. This is the ultimate holder for parties/bbqs outside in the summer. This set up definitely helps keep your drink colder, longer! I had an unopened bottle stay cold for 10 hours in this set up. And that external holder, makes it so easy to hold onto them as well. Since they attached the bottle opener to the holder, you also always have that handy as well. It really is a well thought out set. So far, I haven’t noticed any problems with the threading on the bottom opening. Could they improve on it, yes they can. But, it is working well so far. Otherwise, I have no complaints. It’s a great, and highly useful set. Perfect for gift giving.
(The Corona bottle is a little too tall for the Koozie. It fits, but the screw on top does not.)
I received this, at a discount, in exchange for an unbiased and honest review. – Buy Chiefs’ Stainless Steel Beer Bottle Koozie Insulator Twin Pack + Two Bottle Openers + Two Bonus Insulated Bags + E-Book + Gift Box. Pack of 2.
If you would like to purchase this product, it can be found here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01GJ7D9IC/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
]]>I received this product at a discount, in exchange for my honest review. Opinions expressed are 100% solely my own.”– Bomber and Company’s Tree Swing Hanging Kit Set for Adults and Kids 6 Ft. Long – 100% Waterproof and USA Certified Safe.
If you would like to purchase this product, it can be found here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01EITI62M/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
]]>I don’t know about you, but I hate lugging around those usual camping chairs. The bags are long, and they take up too much room in the car. They are even cumbersome to carry, since we always have more than one. I have been wanting to test out one of these chairs for a long time. I am soooo impressed with their take down size, and with their higher weight tolerance. This chair from Trekology can hold up to 300lb, which is great for a collapsible chair. This is perfect for larger parents, or parents who always have a child on their lap. You won’t have to worry about the chair giving way, like some do. They even use a very thick and durable fabric. If you really know backpacks, you will immediately understand the 1000D Nylon material used. Most backpacks use a 600D. The more tactical, heavy duty packs use 1000D. It lasts so much longer, and can really put up with more abuse. I think that was a great choice of material for a chair like this. It’s very thick. I love how well made the chair is. The stitching on the fabric was done all tight and on point. The seeming was done perfectly. You can tell the craftsmanship as you look it over. Even the storage bag is made quite well. Down the top of the storage bag, you will find a strip of molle webbing. You’ll be able to attach other items you might need to this bag. I love being able to organize our things, in a quick and simple manner. The bag itself only measures 14” long. They state on their ad page that the chair weighs only 3.5lbs. I weighed it with my fish scale, and it cane up at only 3.22lbs. So, that was awesome. It’s even less weight to pack out if you are going hiking and camping. The chair is pretty simple to put together. The frame is designed with a hinge system. There is a Velcro strap connecting it together. Just undo it when you remove it from the bag, and then do a snapping motion to open and click the frame together. We discovered it snaps into form pretty quick that weigh. It’s made out of aluminum, and really holds up our weight well, and even in the grass, on mushy ground. Then, just place the chair cover onto the frame. My husband called it more of a recliner feel, and I have to agree with him. The head rest is really just part of the chair. It’s a high back chair, so you can really lean back into it, and the chair stays very stable. You can easily fall asleep in this chair and take a nap. Fortunately, it’s just as easy to take apart as it is to put it together. We absolutely love the chair. Thanks Trekology!
I received this at a discount, in exchange for an unbiased and honest review. Opinions expressed are 100% solely my own.
– Trekology’s Compact Portable High Back Camping Chair with Head Rest – Ultralight Backpacking Chair in a Bag.
If you would like to purchase this product, it can be found here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01DD33UKC/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1