Just a vlog update about my reactions, health, and how I maintain it. All opinions are my own, from my own personal experiences. Please seek professional advice regarding all of your own health conditions.
]]>I cannot go to many places, but I can take my family to McDonalds and Cracker Barrell. So, I normally take my son and mother out to lunch at McDonalds, I have not had any issues overall, except for recently. They changed to adding kiosks in al of their stores. I guess every store will eventually get 2 kiosks. Now, I have informed the employees that because of my health issues, which affect my vision, that I cannot and will not be able to use the kiosks. I have a hard time focusing in to see the writing on the kiosks, and I do not want to, and cannot risk touching the kiosk screen, that a constant stream of hands touch daily. I could easily have an anaphylactic reaction this way. I cannot even imagine what will happen to people during flu season, yuck! They really need to add their wipe stations at every kiosk, as well as a trash can.
Anyhow, I have taken my group to McDonalds twice this week. It started Monday, with the crew ignoring me, and making me wait a long period before taking my order at the counter. The just ignored me. Today, it was blatant, very blatant. The same people, turned their backs, and completely ignored me. It took almost 10 minutes for someone to come and take my order. A person that had been cleaning, had to come from the other side of the lobby to help me. The people behind the counter and the person by the kiosks just turned their backs, and ignored me. No one would say a word to me, just made me feel like I was a horrible person. I may not look disabled, but I am. I am highly dependent, and this really has hurt me to the core. I almost had to leave, and not take my family out, because I couldn’t get any help. They were doing it on purpose, even if they try to deny it. The behavior is not acceptable. Being rude and denying service to anyone is really not acceptable. I know every establishment has the right to refuse service to anyone, but just say that. Do not treat people like they are nothing. Treating someone who is disabled like they are a joke, or nothing, or a nuisance is morally wrong. Before this week, they kept loudly trying to make me use the kiosks. They kept trying to make me feel guilty, saying I was going to get an employee fired, and so on. I am sorry, but my ability to stay alive is more important. Little do they know, or care, that I have had a sting of severe, and mild reactions. Monday I woke up and had a sink full of blood from my mouth because of it. My skin on my face would break out and ooze from infection at the spur of the moment. I am battling an infection, and am in a lot of pain. I am just trying to function as a person, a mom, a wife. But, to these inconsiderate people, I am a person that is to be highly disrespected, ignored, a nothing. Little do they know that I had to fight back tears twice while there today, and then succumb to silent tears at home while writing this blog.
Being a strong mom for my son is a top priority for me. My family has, and has to give up a lot, to live with me. Taking my son and mom out to McDonalds is our way of getting out into the world frequently. It isn’t much, but it means a lot to us.
Maybe they secretly want to see me have an anaphylactic reaction. Maybe they are just so wrapped up into themselves, they can be nothing but mean and selfish. Maybe they get off on treating people with disabilities like trash. Only they know for sure. This lady, however, will not stand for it. I have dealt with a lot of negligence from stores and restaurants over the years, causing me real physical harm. Today was the straw that broke the camels back. The McDonalds that is so rude, and will not tolerate people with needs, for me, anyhow, is store # 4570, according to my receipt.
These opinions and facts are mine personally. I cannot speak for how anyone else feels, or has been treated.
]]>“E-Cloth aims to supply the most effective, healthiest and more environmentally friendly cleaning products at a good value to the consumer. Their chemical-free products use only water to remove dust, grease, oil, grime, dirt and bacteria.”
Ok, who here loves to clean. I know I do, lololol. Well, I love a clean home, and I really don’t mind cleaning. Cleaning is a game of Russian Roulette for me. I have asthma and insane, life threatening allergies. I have frequent anaphylactic reactions. One of my off the chart allergies is dust, and dust mites. Go figure, huh. So, I have to keep on top of cleaning in my home, or I really suffer the consequences. I also have issues with a lot of cleaners as well, both natural and chemical. I am always looking for a healthier way to clean. Both for myself, and my family. I was over the moon when I learned of the company E-Cloth. I had not heard of them before and was blessed with this opportunity to both try out their wonderful, wonderful products, and be able to share about them to others. I was sent a large variety of their cleaning products to try out, and I was sent goodies to give out as well. A win, win for everyone involved.
My package included:
My items to give away are:
So, maybe I shouldn’t have told people ahead of time that the party involved cleaning products, lol. I had a lot of people no show. Their loss, these products are pretty amazing! They loved the coupons, sample E-Cloths, and the contest!
These products are created so you can clean with just using water. No chemicals needed with their line of products. Wow!!!!!!!!!! Now you know why I had to see these for myself. This company was founded in 1995. Since they have been around for over 20 years, I had a lot of faith with them, going into this. Fortunately, I was not disappointed. My first impression upon discovering what was in the box, was sheer happiness. Everything appeared to be of great quality. Nothing was cheap or flimsy, at all. This company started in Europe, and per the company, became Europe’s #1 chemical-free cleaning company. They came to the US in 2008. Their product line includes anything from single cloths to value packs, and complete cleaning sets for kitchens, bathrooms, windows, floors, stainless steel, and electronics, and then some. They have something for everyone.
I know what you are thinking. That’s just surface cleaning. I need to disinfect. Well, I personally agree, I’m a clean freak. But, I do not agree that you need heavy chemicals that are bad for you and the environment, every time you clean. That’s if you are a regular cleaner, lol. People have cited actual harm that has come to their children and themselves, from cleaning agents. I think this company offers a great healthy alternative, that truly is needed.
Now, to further prove that these cloths clean well, here’s some scientific proof from the company:
“Fiber Density – Each e-cloth is fabricated to have as many as 3.1 million fiber strands per square inch of cloth. Nearly 500 million fiber strands are in each cloth. e-cloth’s filaments are so small and so strong; using just water they break up, lift, lock in, and clean deep down into the tiniest grooves and crevices. Dust, grease, oils, grime, dirt and bacteria are quickly and easily removed and locked away deep inside the fibers until the cloths are rinsed or washed. Surfaces are cleaned so effectively that there is nowhere left for bacteria to grow. Surfaces are left polished and totally smear and lint free. e-cloths rapidly absorb 7 times their weight in water. In addition, scientific research carried out by world renowned Silliker Group, has proven that e-cloths also remove over 99% of bacteria.”
The key to the cleaning cloths is to wet them thoroughly, then ring the water out. Then you can dry and polish with the polishing cloths. The dusting glove should be enough to dust the whole house, depending on the size and dust level, of course. To remove the dust from the glove, you will need to wash it, afterwards. The Kitchen pads are like any other scrubbing pad. You do not need to use soap though, with them. Have faith in the cloth; science, remember. The Pet Bowl Scrubber is just a scrubber as well, use it as such. I love the dog bone design though; so cute! I love that E-Cloth offers a water atomizer. It works great with their cloths. It is a fine atomized mist. Not overly heavy, which is what you don’t want with windows, mirrors, surfaces, etc.. It delivers just the right amount, which makes cleaning a breeze. These cloths can be thrown in the washer or rinsed thoroughly with hot water. They are pretty durable, well made, and easy to care for.
I have wood floors and tile through the majority of my home. So, I was very excited to try out their Deep Clean Mop. I love it! The handle is aluminum and comes in two parts, which is easy to put together, and take apart for storage. It extends from 34″ to 61″, which accommodates both different cleaning levels, and heights of those who are using it. It is very to maneuver, and use. I love it! The cloth has a 300 wash guarantee. One comes with it. Just add water to clean your hard surface floors. “True Chemical Free Cleaning – Proven to remove over 99% of all bacteria (including e-coli and listeria) from hard flooring surfaces with just water.” This is from their page about the mop. Yay! The mop head Velcro’s on. So, it’s easy to remove to wash, and reapply. You wet the cloth and wring it out, apply to the mop, then clean your flooring. So simple and quick, and I love that!!!!! You are safe to clean these flooring types with this mop: vinyl, bamboo, laminate, stone, ceramic, tile, hardwood, linoleum, and concrete.
After trying out their mop, I moved onto their stainless steel cleaning cloth, and window cleaning cloth. Two items that I thought might be harder to clean, since both surfaces are so finicky. Well, I was quickly proven wrong. The stainless in my kitchen was so clean and shiny after using the cloth. No lint, or streaks left behind, and no muscle put into it. I literally wiped with the damp cloth and dried with the polishing cloth. The windows were no different. No one really enjoys cleaning windows, and I hate using a ton of paper towels, which I always end up doing. I was over the moon happy to be able to clean all my glass surfaces in my dining room and foyer, without any paper towels. Besides my many windows in that room, I have a china hutch and glass front fireplace. The cloth system proved so easy, and insanely efficient in cleaning all of these surfaces. I cannot recommend this set enough, if you can only grab one set.
No one loves dusting, but I think you might love the dusting glove. With it you can clean those dust collectors so easily. The fibers really do cling onto the dust. My family will get to use that. I, unfortunately couldn’t handle the longer fibers with my fabric sensitivities. It is soft and it is perfect for higher end wood finishes and collectibles. You can clean without worry of damaging anything. My son came in 2nd at a National Woodworking Competition with a TV table build. This glove dusted it beautifully, and for once I didn’t have to worry about the finish on the table, lol. I always sweat over that when cleaning it. I did use the glove myself on this table, since it is quick to do. I was thrilled with it. It even went through my washer and dryer, very well.
All of the products have come through as advertised for me. I am both over joyed and relieved. I love knowing I will not be killing a tree every time I clean my windows and glass items. I normally go through quite a few paper towels. My stainless and floors are so much easier to take care of, and so on and so on. Hello, my name is Carol, and I am an E-Cloth convert. Thank you, E-Cloth, and Tryazon for letting me participate in this Party.
And the winner is:
E-Cloth: https://www.ecloth.com/ecloth-perfect-cleaning-with-just-water.html
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/eclothUSA/
Direct link to all of their products: https://www.ecloth.com/All-Products/
E-Cloth’s Get To Know Them Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVowxVXQZDk&t=
I received these product to try from E-Cloth and Tryazon. All opinions are my own. I do not make any money off of the sale of these products, and I have not been paid any money to try out and represent these products.